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单词 fob off
释义 fob off
1.get sth.false or inferior accepted as good or real; trick or deceive sb. into buying or accepting以假货或次货骗人;欺骗某人购买或接受
*Actually the foreign stamps displayed in the window were of very little value, but he had found that they could be fobbed off upon children.说实在的,橱窗里展出的外国邮票并没有什么价值,但他发现那些邮票却可以拿来哄骗小孩。
*The peddler fobbed off pieces of glass as diamonds.这小贩鱼目混珠,以玻璃充当钻石骗人。
2.put aside ; not really answer but get rid of丢在一边;置之不理
*Her little brother asked where she was going, but she fobbed him off with an excuse.她弟弟问她去哪里,但她却借故不答。
3.put by deception or trickery用欺骗、诡计打发某人;搪塞某人
*He tried to fob us off with the excuse that he had been ill, and so had overlooked the matter.他企图以病为借口欺骗我们,说因为生病才忽略了这件事。
*When the creditors demanded their money, they were fobbed off with a promise to pay them when he received his rents at the end of the month.当债主们来索钱时,他以月底拿到租钱就付款的谎言搪塞他们。




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