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单词 fool about/around
释义 fool about/around
1.spend time idly or aimlessly;waste time虚度光阴;无所事事
*He spends so much time fooling around that he never accomplishes anything.他虚度光阴大多,所以一事无成。
*They fooled around too much with minor details.他们在次要的细节上浪费了太多的时间。
*The teacher told the students not to fool about, but to get down to work.老师嘱咐学生们不要虚度光阴,要认真学习。 and joke ;spend time foolishly with little result; trifle干蠢事;胡闹;鬼混;玩弄
*He is capable, but he fools around too much.他很能干,但是他蠢事干得太多。
*The monitor told his classmates not to fool about in the classroom while they should be reviewing their lessons.班长叫同学们在应当复习功课的时候不要在教室里胡闹。
*Everyone knows he's been fooling around with some girl at the office.人人都知道他一直在办公室与某个姑娘鬼混。
*Don't fool around with the knife,you may cut yourself.不要玩弄刀,会划破皮的。




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