beingcertainofyourabilitiesor havingtrustinpeople,plans, or thefuture:
Be abitmore confidentinyourself!你应该再自信一点!
They don'tsoundconfidentaboutthefutureof theindustry.他们听起来对该产业的未来信心不足。
I'm confidentofhisskillsas amanager.我对他作经纪人很有信心。
[+ that]Are you confidentthatenoughpeoplewillattendtheevent?你确信会有足够的人参加这项赛事吗?
It was a confidentperformance.这是一场充满自信的表演。
See also
certain about something
- certainI feel certain that this change will be for the best.
- know/say for certainI can't say for certain, but I think he's coming to the party.
- sureDon't worry - I'm sure it won't be a problem.
- positive"Are you sure you let the cat in?" "I'm positive."
certain of your abilities or value
- confidentHe was confident that his approach would work best.
- assuredShe gave an assured performance to a packed concert hall.
- self-assuredThe interview showed her as a very self-assured woman.
- self-confidentHe was self-confident and sure he'd get the job.
- assertiveYou'll have to be more assertive if you want to be promoted.
- boldHe was a bold and defiant little boy.
- She is a confident andpractisedspeakerwho alwaysimpressesheraudience.
- Walesaresupremelyconfident ofwinningthematch.
- Thepoliceare confident that this newlineofinquirywillleadthem to themurderer.
- The mostimportantruleinlifeis always toappearconfident.
- His confidentleadershipinspiredhisfollowers.
Confidence & self-assurance
- amour propre
- aplomb
- assertive
- assertively
- assertiveness
- dogmatic
- dogmatically
- dogmatism
- dogmatist
- empowered
- rakish
- rakishly
- rakishness
- safe
- safety blanket
- surely
- swag
- swash
- tall
- to be sureidiom