anagreementin anargumentin which thepeopleinvolvedreducetheirdemandsorchangetheiropinioninordertoagree:
妥协;折中;让步;和解It ishopedthat a compromise will bereachedin today'stalks.希望今天的会谈能达成妥协。
In a compromisebetweenmanagementandunions, a fourpercentpayrisewasagreedinreturnfor anincreaseinproductivity.资方与工会达成和解,同意以加薪4%来作为提高生产力的回报。
Thegovernmenthas said that there will be no compromisewithterrorists.政府声称不会对恐怖分子让步。
- Thetalksareaimingat a compromise.
- The leader'saggressivestanceseemsto haveforeclosedanychanceofdiplomaticcompromise.
- I'mhopefulthat we canreacha compromise.
- Negotiations are atwo-waything - bothsideshave to come to a compromise.
- A compromise has to bereachedbetween all thepowerfulvestedinterestsbefore anyrestorationworkin thecitycan takeplace.
Accepting & agreeing reluctantly
- accede tosomething
- acceptance
- acquiescence
- be resigned tosomethingidiom
- bend tosomething
- bow down tosomeone
- cave in
- concede
- crack
- like it or lump itidiom
- peace
- resignyourselftosomething
- resignation
- resigned
- resignedly
- resort tosomething
- settle forsomething
- shoulder
- tolerate
- tradesomethingoff
toacceptthat you willreduceyourdemandsorchangeyouropinioninordertoreachanagreementwith someone:
妥协;折中;让步Partyunityisthreatenedwhenmemberswill not compromise.成员们不愿妥协,党内团结受到了威胁。
Well, youwant$400 and I say $300, so let's compromiseat/on$350.好吧,你要价400美元,我说300美元,那我们就来个折中价350美元。
- Somebody will have to compromise if we are tobreakthedeadlockbetween the twowarringfactions.
- Thereluctanceof eithersideto compromisemeansthat thetalksaredoomedtofail.
- Theantagonistsin thisdisputearequiteunwillingto compromise.
- Thedisputehadreachedanimpasse, as neithersidewould compromise.
- They havebecomeirreconcilable, with bothsidesrefusingto compromise anyfurther.
Accepting & agreeing reluctantly
- accede tosomething
- acceptance
- acquiescence
- be resigned tosomethingidiom
- bend tosomething
- bow down tosomeone
- cave in
- concede
- crack
- like it or lump itidiom
- peace
- resignyourselftosomething
- resignation
- resigned
- resignedly
- resort tosomething
- settle forsomething
- shoulder
- tolerate
- tradesomethingoff
compromiseverb(LOWER STANDARDS)
toallowyourprinciplesto be lessstrongoryourstandardsormoralsto belower:
放弃;背离,违背;降低Don't compromiseyourbeliefs/principlesfor thesakeof beingaccepted.不要为了得到别人的认同就放弃了你自己的信仰/原则。
If we back down on thisissue,ourreputationwill be compromised.如果我们在这个问题上打退堂鼓的话,会有损我们的声誉。
Hispoliticalcareerendedwhen he compromised himselfbyacceptingbribes.他的政治生涯因他收受贿赂而宣告结束。
Humiliating and degrading
- abase
- abasement
- be under a cloudidiom
- bring/takesomeonedown a peg (or two)idiom
- bruisesomeone'segoidiom
- debase
- disgraced
- dishonour
- dishonourable
- doghouse
- exhibition
- ignominious
- ignominiously
- ignominy
- in the doghouseidiom
- indignity
- shoddy
- stoop
- stoop tosomething
- undignified
toriskhaving aharmfuleffecton something:
损害,伤害,危及We would never compromise thesafetyofourpassengers.我们永远不会做有损乘客安全的事。
Taking risks
- adventurer
- all in
- be skating on thin iceidiom
- bet the farm/ranchidiom
- broke
- dare
- expose
- hazard
- high wire
- high-stakes
- imperil
- jeopardize
- lay
- neck
- re-expose
- risk
- run the risk of doingsomethingidiom
- sail close to the windidiom
- skate
- stickyourneck outidiom