atypeofproductmade by aparticularcompanyandsoldunder aparticularname:
This isn't myusualbrandofdeodorant.这不是我通常用的那种牌子的除臭剂。
There has been ahugegrowthinsalesofluxurybrands.
Theultimategoalof manymarketingcampaignsis tocreatebrandloyalty.
a group of people or things that share similar qualities
- sortWhat sort of clothes do you like to wear?
- kindWhat kind of job are you looking for?
- typeHe's the type of man who never listens to what you're saying.
- formSwimming is the best form of exercise.
- varietyThe article was about the different varieties of Spanish spoken in South America.
- categoryThere are three categories of hotel room - standard, executive, and deluxe.
the set ofqualitiesthatpeopleconnectwith aparticularproductororganization:
Our brandstandsforqualityandreliability.
Thecompanyspenta lot ofmoneyandenergyestablishingitsbrand.
Hisactionsriskbadlydamagingthe party's brand.
the set ofqualitiesthatpeopleconnectwith aparticularperson, or theideaof themselves that thepersontriestopresenttoothers:
Aspokespersonfor thecompanysaid, "She is theperfectambassadorfor us because herpersonalbrand is very muchalignedwithourcorporatemission."
I have to becarefulwhatpicturesIpostonsocialmedia, because I don'twanttotarnishmy brand.
brand ofsomething
aparticulartypeof something, or way of doing something:
一种…,一类…;做…的方式ateamthatplaysadistinctivebrand offootball打法很独特的足球队
See also
generic brand
own brand
store brand
- Amongyoungpeople, this brand ofdesignerclothingis theultimatestatussymbol.
- Mostpeopleassociatethis brand with goodquality.
- Ourproductscomparefavourablywith all theleadingbrands.
- I alwaysbuythe same brand oftoothpastejust out ofhabit.
- Freshness andmodernityispartofourbrand.
Products & producers
- anti-dumping
- badging
- begetter
- big pharma
- big tobacco
- creator
- deliverable
- dry goods
- end product
- fabricator
- generator
- haul
- maker
- marque
- non-proprietary
- notion
- output
- overstock
- producer
- proprietary
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Advertising and marketing
Conditions and characteristics
apieceofburningwoodused to givelight
火炬;火把Fire & flame
- beacon
- blaze
- bonfire
- bushfire
- campfire
- conflagration
- dumpster fire
- fire
- fireball
- firepit
- firestorm
- flame
- flare
- inferno
- open fire
- open fireplace
- pilot
- post-fire
- spark
- wildfire
amarkthat isburnedorfrozeninto theskinof ananimalsuch as acowto show whoownsit:
烙印The brand was stillvisibleon the animal'shide.兽皮上还可以看见烙印。

kalimf/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Specific signs and symbols
- argent
- arrow
- badge
- Britannia
- checksomethingoff
- chevron
- coat of arms
- crested
- cross
- dot
- hallmark
- L-plate
- Maltese cross
- Morse code
- patch
- registered trademark
- semaphore
- service mark
- shield
- underscore
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal farming - general words
uk/brænd/us/brænd/brandverb(GIVE BAD NAME)
[T+ obj + noun/adj]
to say that someone or something is aparticularbadthing, usually when this isunfair:
Because of onemistakehe was branded acriminal.
She wasarrestedandfalselybranded aterrorsuspect.
Themediabranded himracist.
Heclaimsthereportunfairlybranded himasabadcreditrisk.
Hissupportersimmediatelybranded thepicturesasfake.
Analysing and evaluating
- adjudication
- analysable
- analyse
- analyser
- dive
- enquiry
- gauge
- go over
- go through
- have the measure ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- inspect
- inspection
- probe
- reinterpret
- reinterpretation
- reinvestigate
- reinvestigation
- research
- scratch
- the acid test
brandverb(CREATE BRAND)
to make aproduct,organization,person, orplaceeasytorecognizeas different fromothersbyconnectingit with aparticularname,design,symbol, set ofqualities, etc.:
In myjobI'velearnedhow to brand andpromoteaproduct.
You can brand thewebsitewithyourowncoloursandlogo.
They have branded theserviceasanethical, environmentally-friendlyinvestmentoption.
This is not good enough for anairlinethat brandsitselfasapremiumluxurycarrier.
He brandedhimself"The New Vegan Chef."
- Making areferenceto New York City, Minneapolis branded itself "theminiapple."
- We branded everystoreso it wasinstantlyrecognizable.
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- stunt
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in
tomarkananimalsuch as acowbyburningorfreezingitsskinto show you own it:
打烙印于;以烙铁打(标记)Thecattlewereroundedup and branded.那些牛都被圈了起来打上烙印。
Animal farming - general words
- animal husbandry
- aquaculture
- aquaponics
- bedding
- beekeeping
- dip
- draft
- drove
- grazing
- hand-rear
- hand-reared
- heeler
- herd
- pen
- shearing
- sheep shearing
- sheepdog
- shepherd
- stable
- subtherapeutic