US(UKanalogue)us/ˈæn.ə.lɑːɡ/uk/ˈæn.ə.lɒɡ/analogadjective(RECORDED SIGNALS)
An analogrecordingis one that is made bychangingthesoundwavesintoelectricalsignalsof the sametype. An analogsignalis asignalof thistype:
Theadapterconvertsthe phone's analogsignalinto adigitalone that cantravelover theInternet.
Analogtelevisionisbroadcastusing analogsignals,ratherthan usingdigitalsignals:
The Federal CommunicationsCommissionstartedphasingout analog TVtransmissionin 2006.
Customers on abudgetmightignorethedigitalTVdeadlineandbuyan analog set.
An analogcameraor analogphotographyrecordsimagesonfilm,ratherthan in aformthat can belookedat on acomputer:
We used to takephotographswith an analogcamera, thendropthefilmoff at thestoreto bedeveloped.
I am aphotographerwhoadoresanalogphotography.
- Recordingdirectlyto analogtapegave thealbumalive, unpolishedfeel.
- Thesoundisreminiscentof analogrecordingsofyesteryear, with a lessconstrictedor "suffocated"soundwhencomparedwithCDsorMP3files.
- If you're getting a newcamera, you shoulddefinitelyconsiderbuyingdigitalratherthan analog.
- Thetechnologyevenworkswithold, analogcameras.
- It wasdecidedthat all TVsignalsshouldchangefrom analog todigitalbecause thedigitalimagesareclearerandfaster.
Recording sounds and images
- analogue
- audiovisual
- AV
- cut
- deepfake
- digitally
- distort
- distortion
- erase
- fade
- misrecord
- mix
- playsomethingback
- production
- re-record
- record
- resynthesis
- resynthesize
- sampler
- sound effect
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Broadcasting in general
Audio & video equipment
An analogclockorwatchshowsthetimeusingnumbersaround theedgeandhandsthatpointto thenumbers:
Usestandardanalogclocksathometohelpyourchildlearnhow totelltime.
- Twentyminuteson an analogclockis one-third of apie.
- I told thesaleswomanIwantedanormalwatch, withhands. "Youmeanan analogwatch, " she saidcrisply.
Watches & clocks
- 24-hour clock
- against the clockidiom
- alarm
- alarm clock
- at/on the stroke ofsomethingidiom
- atomic clock
- clock
- horologist
- horology
- hour hand
- hourglass
- jewel
- military time
- stroke
- tick
- ticking
- timekeeper
- timepiece
- turn the clocks backphrase
- twenty-four-hour clock
USformal(also mainlyUKanalogue)us/ˈæn.ə.lɑːɡ/uk/ˈæn.ə.lɒɡ/something that issimilarto or can be usedinsteadof somethingelse:
I'm avegetarianbut I don't likevegetariansausage,fakebaconand othermeatanalogs.
Memes are the analogsofgenes.
- Theydiscussthelonghistoryofjudicialenforcementof the SecondAmendmentanditsstateanalogs.
- Severalfactorsmakeanimalstudiesverypooranalogs tohumanhealth.
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- behalf
- change over
- instead
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- rep
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution