havingsimilarfeaturesto another thing andthereforeableto becomparedwith it:
相似的;类似的;可比拟的Theexperienceofmystictranceis in asenseanalogoustosleepordrunkenness.神秘的催眠体验在某种意义上类似于睡眠或醉酒。
Theemergencyvehiclefor theInternationalSpace Station is analogoustoalifeboat.国际空间站的应急车辆类似于救生艇。
looking or being almost but not exactly the same
- similarI have a sofa quite similar to yours.
- likeShe's a lot like her mother.
- alikeThe girls look alike.
- closeMy cousin and I are quite close in age.
- something likeI was worried something like this would happen.
- The two TVprogrammes- set in differentcities- areroughlyanalogous big-citypolicedramas.
- These are two analogoussituations.
- SanFrancisco's Golden Gate Park isspectacularand not in any analogous to New York'sCentralPark.
- The way astringvibratesissomewhatanalogous to the wayripplesspreadout inwater.
Similar and the same
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- homogeneity
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- regularity
- snap
- swing