trademarkuk/ˌkæm.bəˈzəʊ.lə/us/ˌkæm.bəˈzoʊ.lə/aGermansoftcheese,similartoCamembertinappearanceon theoutsideand like Gorgonzolacheese, withthinbluelinesofmouldgoing through it, on the inside:
(德国)康宝诺拉蓝纹奶酪Cambozola wasdevelopedin Bavaria to be acrossbetweenCamembertand Gorgonzola.康宝诺拉蓝纹奶酪起源于巴伐利亚州,是卡门贝干酪和戈尔贡佐拉干酪的混合品种。

stefanholm/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images /GettyImages
- If Iwantsomethingmilder, I'll use CambozolainsteadofStilton.
- Theappetizerswere Cambozola andbaconstuffedfigs.
- I wastemptedby thebeeftenderloinbecause themashedpotatoescontainedCambozola, one of mysoftbluecheeseobsessions.
- American cheese
- Asiago
- blue cheese
- Brie
- burrata
- chevre
- club cheese
- Colby
- cotija
- cottage cheese
- fontina
- fromage frais
- goat cheese
- Gorgonzola
- Gouda
- Muenster
- Neufchatel
- paneer
- panir
- Parmesan