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单词 care


theprocessofprotectingsomeone or something andprovidingwhat thatpersonor thingneeds
Thestandardof care atourlocalhospitalisexcellent.我们当地医院的护理水平很出色。
Mira's going to be veryweakfor alongtimeafter theoperation, so she'll need a lot of care.手术后,米拉在很长一段时间内会十分虚弱,所以她需要多加照顾。
Nurseries areresponsiblefor thechildrenintheircare.托儿所要对他们照管的孩子负责。
used as acombiningform
take care ofsb/sth
toprotectsomeone or something andprovidethe things that thatpersonor thingneeds
Takegoodcare of thatgirlof yours, Patrick - she's veryspecial.帕特里克,照顾好你的女朋友——她很特别。
Don'tworryabout me, I can take care of myself(= I do not need anyoneelsetoprotectme).别担心我,我能照顾好自己。
in careUK(alsotake/put into care)
Children who are in care or who have been taken/put into care are notlivingwiththeirnaturalparentsbutinsteadwith anationalorlocalgovernmentorganizationor anotherfamily.
Bothchildrenwere taken into care whentheirparentsdied.父母死后两个孩子都被送进了收养所。
care in the communityUK
asystemin whichpeoplewithmentalillnessorreducedmentalabilityareallowedtocontinuelivingintheirownhomes, withtreatmentandhelp, and are notkeptinhospital
More examples
  • Antenatalclinicsprovidecare forpregnantwomen.
  • Thesenursesspecializein the care of thedying.
  • Babies needconstantcare.
  • Thestandardof care atourlocalhospitalisexcellent.
  • Nurseries areresponsiblefor thechildrenintheircare.


seriousattention,especiallyto thedetailsof asituationor thing
Shepaintedthewindowframeswithgreatcare so that nopaintgot onto theglass.她漆窗框时极为小心,因此没有一点油漆弄到玻璃上。
You need totakeabitmore carewithyourspelling.你得多注意一下你的拼写。
Theroadsareicy, sodrivewithcare.道路结冰,小心驾驶。
Takecare on thesebusyroads(=drivewithattentionso that you do not have anaccident).在这些交通繁忙的道路上要小心驾驶。
[+ to infinitive]Takecare notto(= makecertainthat you do not)spillyourcoffee.小心别把咖啡洒出来了。
[+ that]Takecare(= makecertain)thatyou don'tfall.小心别摔着。
Theparcelhad alabelon it saying "Handle withcare".包裹上有个标签,上面写着“小心轻放”。
More examples
  • They took care to be astactfulaspossible.
  • She took a lot of care over thewordingof herspeech.
  • You need to take more care withyourhandwriting.
  • Take care that you get there ontime.
  • Makesurehetakescare if heinsistson going up thatladder.

carenoun(DEAL WITH)

take care ofsth
todealwith something
If you canseeto thedrinksfor theparty, I'll take care of thefood.如果你能安排好聚会所需的饮品,那我就负责食物。
All thetravelarrangementshave been taken care of.所有的旅行安排都处理好了。
No, youpaidfordinnerlasttime,letme take care of(=payfor)it.不,上次的晚餐是你付的账,这次让我来吧。


Sheseemedweigheddown by all her cares.她好像忧心忡忡,焦虑不安。


care of
have a care
have all the cares of the world onyourshoulders
take care (of yourself)
without a care in the world


tothinkthat something isimportantand tofeelinterestedin it orupsetabout it
She's never cared very muchaboutherappearance.她对自己的外表从不很在意。
[+ question word]I really don't carewhetherwe go out or not.我们出不出去我真的不在意。
I don't carehowmuch itcosts, justbuyit.我不在乎它要价多少,就买了吧。
"Was Lornahappyabout thearrangements?" "Idon'tknowandI don't care."“洛娜对安排满意吗?”“我不知道,也不关心。”
Yourparentsare only doing this because they careabout(=love)you.你父母之所以这么做全是因为他们爱你。
Icouldn't care lessC1UKinformal(USI could care less)
used toemphasizerudelythat you are notinterestedin orworriedabout something or someone
"Mike's reallyfedup about it." "I couldn't care less."“迈克烦透这个了。”“我根本不在乎。”
for allIcareinformal
used to say that you are notinterestedin orworriedabout what someoneelseis doing
You can go to thematchwith Paula, for all I care.你可以跟葆拉一起去看比赛,我一点也不在乎。
as ifIcareinformal
used to say that you are notinterestedin orworriedabout something that hashappenedor that someone has said
He said he didn'tapproveof what I'd done, as if I cared.他说他对我的所作所为不赞同,我才不在乎呢。
who cares?B2informal
used toemphasizerudelythat you do notthinksomething isimportant
"Itlooksas if we are going tolose." "Who cares?".“看来我们好像要输了。”“谁在乎呢?”
More examples
  • "I don't care - youchoose, " he said, with anairywaveof thehand.
  • "I don't care what youthink", sheflung(back) at him.
  • You could be the Queen ofEngland, for all I care - you're not coming in here without aticket.
  • I don't care aboutfashion, Idresshow Iplease.
  • I don't care if helikesit or not - I'm coming!


used inpoliteoffersandsuggestions
Wouldyou careforadrink?你想喝一杯吗?
[+ to infinitive]Wouldyou caretojoinus fordinner?你愿意和我们共进晚餐吗?

Phrasal verbs

care forsb
not care forsb/sth


On average, comfortcareplans were put in place 9 days prior to death.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It developed plans to offer medicalcare, hospital treatment, electricity, and water trucking.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Tables 3 and 4 detail the eight most frequently specified services in thecareplans.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Some medical specialty societies already are recognized as proponents of standards ofcareby health plans.
From theCambridge English Corpus
For the sake of quality standards and efficiency, generic plans ofcareare formulated for patients that are not responsive to individual circumstances.
From theCambridge English Corpus
No call tocare, finally, could be too mundane; what could be more ordinary than peeling an egg?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Actually nothing out of the ordinary for pediatric newborn intensivecarewas employed in this case.
From theCambridge English Corpus
An ordinary industrial robot hanging over the workcell suspended by an iron portal takescareof hexapod translocations.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The impact ofcare-giving oncare-givers : factors associated with the psychological well-being of people supporting a dementing relative in the community.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Psychological distress among older primarycareattenders is associated with frequent attendance.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A systematiccareprogram for bipolar disorder significantly reduces risk of mania over 12 months.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This was reinforced by the low priority given to public health work at all levels within the organization and by primarycareteam colleagues.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This reinforces the importance of the problem in countries without well organized healthcareor without wide access of the entire population to such care.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In particular, implementation of regulations in the private sector should be taken as a policy opportunity to improve the delivery of healthcare.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This includes the way that aspects of healthcareare thought about and represented.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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