inGreekmythology(=ancientstories), aprincesswho istiedto arockto beeatenby amonsterbefore beingsaved:
Perseusappearson Pegasus andfreesAndromeda.珀尔修斯骑飞马赶到,救走了安德洛墨达。
- Perseuslearnsof Andromeda and herplight.
- Theworkisbasedon the Classicallegendof Andromeda and Perseus.
- Thestatueof Thetiscollapsesanditsheadcomes tolife,demandingAndromeda as avirginsacrificeto the Kraken in 30days.
Mythology: Greek & Roman myth
- ambrosia
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Delphi
- Delphic
- Demeter
- Diana
- Dionysus
- harpy
- Mars
- Minerva
- minotaur
- muse
- nectar
- Venus
- Vesta
- Victoria
- Zeus
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Mythological & legendary characters
alargegroupofstarsthat can beseenin thenorthernhemisphere(= thehalfof theearthabove theequator):
仙女(星)座Thecloudfinallyclearsand Ipickout Andromeda.云层终于散去,我识别出了仙女座。
Just below the thirdstarin Andromeda is the Triangulum Galaxy.在仙女座第三颗星稍偏下处便是三角座。
- The Horsehead Nebula is in Orion, not Andromeda.
- Stars weredescribedas "thestarin therightkneeof Andromeda" or "thestarin theleftshoulderof Orion".
- Triangulum is asmallbutdistinctiveconstellationbetweenAriesand Andromeda.
- albedo
- Aquarius
- Aries
- asteroid
- astral
- galactic
- galaxy
- Gemini
- geostationary orbit
- gibbous
- orbit
- orbital
- penumbra
- phase
- Pisces
- substellar
- sunspot
- supergiant
- supermassive
- supermoon
aplantthatproducesflowers, oftenfoundinsoftwetground:
梫木属(植物),马醉木Wefoundthe Andromedagrowingon thebanksof alagoonoffreshwater.我们在一片淡水潟湖的岸边发现了梫木属植物。
Andromeda is alsoknownasbogrosemary.梫木属也被称作小石楠属。

Ruth Peterkin/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Allsortsofliliesand Andromeda weregrowingin themarsh.
- Andromedaflowersmay bewhiteorpinkish.
- Andromeda is oftenfoundinbogs.
Types of plant
- amaranth
- annual
- arborescent
- beanstalk
- bear's breeches
- gymnosperm
- hardiness
- hardy
- herb
- herbaceous
- mugwort
- mustard
- non-hardy
- non-legume
- non-leguminous
- succulent
- sundew
- tenderness
- tomatillo
- trailing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Water & marsh plants, bushes & trees