battleground state
uk/ˌbæt.əl.ɡraʊnd ˈsteɪt/us/ˈbæt̬.əl.ɡraʊnd ˌsteɪt/(in theUnitedStates) astatewhere thenumberofDemocraticandRepublicanvotersis about the same,meaningthat it has animportantinfluenceon theresultof theelectionof theUnitedStatespresident:
(美国总统大选时的)战场州,指支持民主党和支持共和党的选民数量大致相当的州,其投票结果对大选结果影响重大。Thevicepresidentwent on acampaigntourof thebattlegroundstatesofNorthCarolina andVirginia.副总统去了北卡罗来纳州和弗吉尼亚州这两个战场州做竞选宣传。
swing state
- This was akeyMidwesternbattlegroundstatethat Democratssawascentralto the party'seffortstoreclaimtheWhiteHouse.
- We've alwaysknownresultsinbattlegroundstateswill beextremelytight.
- Theincumbentisfacingachallengein thebattlegroundstates.
- California is notconsideredabattlegroundstate, but someadsmayairin the Bay Area.
International relations: United States politics & government
- anti-Republican
- bicameral
- blue state
- Camelot
- caucus
- confederacy
- gubernatorial
- homeland security
- House Committee
- impeach
- Independence Day
- joint resolution
- override
- secret service
- secretary
- Secretary of State
- senate
- the Articles of Confederation
- the GOP
- the Republican Party