thejoborseriesofjobsthat you do duringyourworkinglife,especiallyif youcontinueto getbetterjobsandearnmoremoney:
生涯,职业;事业He'shopingfor a careerinthepoliceforce/asapoliceofficer.他希望当一名警察。
When heretireshe will beabletolookback over abrilliantcareer(= aworkinglifethat has been verysuccessful).等退休的时候,他可以回顾自己光辉灿烂的职业生涯。
Ithelpsif you canmovea fewrungsup the careerladderbefore takingtimeoff to have ababy.如果你能在事业的阶梯上再攀登几级然后再去休假生小孩,那样会好一些。
I took this newjobbecause Ifeltthat the careerprospectswere muchbetter.我接受了这份新工作,因为我觉得它的职业前景更好。
Judith is very career-minded/-oriented(= gives a lot ofattentionto herjob).朱迪丝事业心很强。
a job
- jobShe got a job as a lab assistant.
- occupationPlease fill in your name, age, and occupation.
- postThere's a post for a lecturer open in my department.
- positionShe's applied for a part-time editing position.
- appointmentThere are going to be several new appointments in the department this year.
- careerShe's had a very successful career in marketing.
- She made her career in thetheatre.
- During asuccessfulbusinesscareer, sheaccumulatedagreatamountofwealth.
- Many womensacrificeinterestingcareers fortheirfamily.
- Shemanagestosuccessfullycombinefamilylifeand a career.
- Hispoliticalcareerendedwhen he wasfoundto have beenacceptingbribes.
adjective[before noun]
uk/kəˈrɪər/us/kəˈrɪr/having ajoborpositionaspartof thecareerthat you aretrainedfor and arenormallypaidto do,ratherthan beingchosenfor it as amemberorsupporterof agovernmentorpoliticalparty:
TheWhiteHouseaskedtheSenatetoapprove60politicaland careerappointees,includinga newhousingsecretary.
a careerdiplomat/ambassador
doing somethingregularlyfor most ofyourlife,especiallyasyourmainway of makingmoney:
Even though he already hasbegunhiscampaignforre-election, heinsistshe is not a careerpolitician.
Theperpetratorwas a careercriminalwith alongseriesofdrugsconvictions.
- Rewardingsupporterswithjobsabroadis done bypresidentsof bothparties, but careerdiplomatsdislikethepractice.
- He was a careerambassadorwhoretiredfrom the USforeignservicein 2019.
- Sherecommendedapoliticallyindependentcareerprosecutorfor thetopfederallaw-enforcementpost.
- Sofarthere is only oneconfirmedpoliticalappointee; careercivilservantsarerunningmost of thedepartment.
- He said hefearedbecominga careercriminalif hespentmuchlongerinprison.
- Herfatherwas a careersoldierand astrictdisciplinarian.
- Thecandidatewas a careerbusinessmanwith littlepoliticalexperience.
Types of employment
- admin
- administrative
- administrative assistant
- administratively
- at the coalfaceidiom
- joblessness
- jobseeker
- labour-intensive
- lackey
- lapidary
- qualified
- recertify
- redundancy
- redundant
- retcon
- well qualified
- white-collar
- who's whoidiom
- wilderness yearsidiom
verb[Iusually+ adv/prep]
uk/kəˈrɪər/us/kəˈrɪr/(especiallyof avehicle) tomovefastand in a way that is out ofcontrol:
(尤指车辆失控地)猛冲,飞奔Thecoachcareereddownaslopeandcollidedwith abank.长途汽车冲下山坡,撞到了土埂上。
to move fast
- speedHe ran back to his car and sped off.
- raceShe raced over and hugged me.
- flyShe flew across the room just in time to stop the baby falling off the chair.
- beltUKTraffic was belting along the motorway.
- tearA fire truck came tearing down the road.
- streakBullets streaked across the sky.
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- buzz
- careen
- cavort
- fluent
- gun
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- scurry
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot