uk/ˈkær.əb/us/ˈker.əb/[CorU](alsocarob tree)
asmallevergreentree(= one that does notloseitsleavesinwinter)thatgrowsinMediterraneanregionsand theMiddleEast:
Thewoodhaspinetrees, carobs,cypress, andfigs.
At thetopof thedustyslopegrewasolitarycarobtree.
Thefieldsaredottedwithalmond, holmoakand carob.

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thedarkbrownseedsof thecarobtreethatlooksimilartobeans, or asubstancemade from theseseedsthat is sometimes usedinsteadofchocolate:
Carob is agreatalternativetochocolateforvegansorpeoplewho areallergic.
Theliqueuris made fromlocallygrowncarob.
- There aregrovesoflemons,oranges, carobs, andpomegranatesin thispartof Portugal.
- Therusticsetting ischarming, with manyoliveand carobtrees.
- Carobbeansaregroundand used as analternativetochocolateandcoffee.
- Carobpodswere animportantsourceofsugarbeforesugarcaneandsugarbeetsbecamewidelyavailable.
- Carob wascommonlyeateninancientEgypt as asweetener.
- Somepeoplein thestudyatechocolate, while thecontrolgroupatefoodsusing carob.
Types of evergreen & coniferous tree
- Australian pine
- bristlecone pine
- cabbage palm
- Christmas tree
- coconut
- gum tree
- hemlock
- holly
- ironbark
- Joshua tree
- larch
- Norfolk Island pine
- oleander
- pandan
- pitch pine
- ponderosa pine
- redwood
- spruce
- white pine
- yew
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