tohitsomething andbounceback,especiallyat anangle:
She had herfinalshotcarom off the back of therim.
Kidsrunwildandbeachballscarom around thelobby.
tomoveorchangein anuncontrolledway between differentplaces, things, orsubjects:
(不受控制地)改变,移动,跳跃We must not give thevirusthechanceto caromwildlythroughhumanhostsas it does in aflockofchickensorducks.我们决不能让病毒有机会像在鸡群或鸭群中那样,在人类宿主中疯狂变异。
Thebookhas 84shortchaptersthat carom from oneissueto the next andfailtotackleanything in muchdepth.这本书有84个简短的章节,从一个问题随意跳跃到另一个,未能深入地探讨其中任何一个问题。
- If you're notcarefulyourballwill caromleftoff theseverelyslopedfairwayinto therough.
- Afterlosingone ofitspropellers, theplanecaroms off a neighbour'spalmtree.
- Vehiclesstrikingthe guardrails orsheermountainsidescan caromacrossthetrafficlanes.
- Thekidsgrabtheirfoodand carom away in differentdirections.
- Bounding about thestage, she caroms fromgirlishgiddiness toboyishblusterand back again.
- Theplotcaroms between theself-consciouslycampand the unapologeticallybizarre.
Hitting against objects accidentally and colliding
- anti-collision
- anti-shock
- bang
- bowlsomeoneover
- bump
- cannon
- catch
- collision
- crash
- ding
- jog
- pile(something)up
- post-crash
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- scuff
- slam
- smash
- smashsomethingup
- strike
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
uk/ˈkær.əm/us/ˈker.əm/caromnoun(IN GAMES)
inbilliardsorpool, anoccasionwhen theballhitstwo otherballsone after the other:
A carom can beusefulinpooland they’redeadlyif used at therighttime.
[U]US(alsocarom billiards)
agamesimilartobilliardsplayedon atablewithoutpockets:
Theplaceismainlyaspotforpeopletoplaycardsor three-ball pocketless carombilliards.

yongsuk son/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
arebound(= anoccasionwhen something such as aballbouncesback afterhittinga hardsurface),especiallyat anangle:
碰击弹回;撞击后弹开Theballtook a carom,shootingback toward the right-fieldline.球在空中旋转,向右外野线飞去。
- Sometimes twoballsareextremelycloseto being at thecorrectanglefor a carom but notquite.
- Thetruckershave atransportofficewhere theyrelaxandplaycarom, asortofcrossbetweendraughtsandbilliards.
- Ronaldo took the carom andburiedit in thenet.
Snooker, pool & billiards
- baize
- billiard
- billiard ball
- break
- break(something)off
- cannon
- cue
- cue ball
- frame
- miscue
- pool
- pot
- rack
- re-rack
- re-spot
- snooker
- snooker ball
- triangle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hitting against objects accidentally and colliding
[CorU](alsocarom seed)
aseedthat is used as aspice,especiallyinSouthAsiancooking:
(南亚烹饪中常用的)细叶糙果芹籽,卡伦(籽)Theseedsareknownas bishop'sweed, ajwain and carom.细叶糙果芹籽被称为“主教草”、“阿加旺”或者“卡伦”。
Caromseeds, or ajwain as they are called inIndia, aresomewhatsimilartothymeinflavour, though morepungent.细叶糙果芹籽,即印度人所说的“阿加旺”,味道与百里香有些相似,但更加辛辣。
- Thefishiscoveredwith athickbatterofgramflourandspicedwith caromseedsand chaatmasala, aspicemix.
Herbs & spices
- aji
- ajwain
- Aleppo pepper
- allspice
- ancho
- chive
- chives
- cilantro
- cinnamon
- coarse salt
- habanero
- herb
- herbal
- herbed
- horehound
- peppercorn
- peri-peri
- ras el hanout
- red pepper
- sage