瞎的,盲的,失明的She's been blind sincebirth.她天生失明。
Hestartedtogo(=become)blind in hissixties.他在60多岁时失明了。
- Can youimaginehow itfeelsto be blind?
- Stevie Wonder wasbornblind.
- Her father's going blind.
- Labradors are used asguidedogsfor blindpeople.
- Look, thecupsarerightinfrontof you. Are you blind?
Eyesight, glasses & lenses
- accommodative
- afterimage
- age-related macular degeneration
- astigmatic
- bespectacled
- bifocals
- boss-eyed
- eyestrain
- goggles
- macular degeneration
- monocular
- multifocal
- naked
- nearsightedly
- ocular
- ophthalmology
- pince-nez
- snow blindness
- sty
used todescribeanextremefeelingthathappenswithoutthoughtorreason:
He was blindwithfury(= soangrythat he could notbehavereasonably).他暴跳如雷,丧失了理智。
Strong feelings
- afire
- all-consuming
- anguish
- anguished
- ardent
- ferociously
- fierce
- fierceness
- fit to burstidiom
- fulminating
- passions run highidiom
- pungently
- rabidly
- reinforced
- rhapsodic
- searing
- tempestuous
- tingle
- torrid
- virulent
blindadjective(NOT CONSCIOUS)
be blind tosomething
to not beconsciousof something or torefusetonoticesomething that isobvioustoothers:
没有注意到…;对…视而不见Sheseemsblind to hisfaults.她似乎对他的缺点视而不见。
blindadjective(CORNER, etc.)
that adrivercannotsee, or cannotseearound:
Theaccidenthappenedon a blindbend.事故发生在一个转弯的盲区。
See also
blind summit
Road surfaces & features
- asphalt
- asphalting
- bike lane
- bitumen
- black spot
- curb cut
- cycle lane
- cycle track
- double yellow line
- dropped kerb
- parklet
- pavement
- paver
- paving stone
- potholed
- slow lane
- speed bump
- tarmac
- tight turn
- traffic island
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Indistinct & invisible
used to refer to ascientifictestin which either thepeoplebeingtestedor thepersontestingthem, or both, do notknowwhat is beingtested:
(科学实验中,测试人和/或被测人不知测试内容的)盲测的In blindtrials,userswho were given bothdrugsorallywereunabletodistinguishbetween theeffectsofheroinandmethadone.在盲测过程中,口服海洛因和美沙酮这两种药物的人分辨不出两者的效果。
Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- experimenter
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- putsomethingto the testidiom
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- resample
- screening
- trysomethingout
- welfare check
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medical studies & the people who study them
Scientific techniques
(as) blind as a bat
not take a blind bit of notice
uk/blaɪnd/us/blaɪnd/blindverb[T](DAMAGE SIGHT)
to make someoneunabletosee,permanentlyor for ashorttime:
使变瞎;使失明She was blinded in anaccidentat an earlyage.她早年在一次事故中失明了。
As Iturnedthecornerthesunblinded me, so I didn'tseethe othercar.转弯时阳光太晃眼,所以我没有看见另外那辆车。
Eyesight, glasses & lenses
- accommodative
- afterimage
- age-related macular degeneration
- astigmatic
- bespectacled
- bifocals
- boss-eyed
- eyestrain
- goggles
- macular degeneration
- monocular
- multifocal
- naked
- nearsightedly
- ocular
- ophthalmology
- pince-nez
- snow blindness
- sty
blindverb[T](CAUSE TO IGNORE)
to make someoneunabletonoticeorunderstandsomething:
蒙蔽;使无辨别力We shouldn'tletourprejudicesblind ustothefactsof thesituation.我们一定不能让偏见蒙蔽自己而看不清实际形势。
Puzzle and confuse
- addle
- baffle
- bedazzle
- befuddle
- bemuse
- discombobulate
- disorientate
- dosomeone'shead inidiom
- flummox
- fox
- fuddle
- loop
- puzzle
- ravel
- search
- throw
- throw(someone)a curve (ball)idiom
- throwsomeoneoff balanceidiom
- tie
- tiesomeone(up) in knotsidiom
blindsomeonewith science
acoverfor awindowmade of asinglepieceorstripsofcloth,paper, orplasticthat ispulledup or down by astring:
百叶窗;窗帘a Venetian blind百叶窗

MarkYes/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Curtains & wallpaper
- curtain
- curtain rail
- curtain rod
- drape
- drapesphrase
- flock wallpaper
- flocked wallpaper
- floor-length
- hang
- hung
- pelmet
- rehang
- roller blind
- shade
- sunshade
- valance
- vertical blind
- wall hanging
- wallpaper
- window shade
the blindC1[plural]
peoplewho areunabletosee:
盲人Shetrainsdogsfor the blind.她为盲人训练导盲犬。
aplacewherepeoplecanwatchwildanimalsorbirdswithout beingnoticedby them
jacobeukman/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Hiding and disguising
- be holed upidiom
- booby trap
- camo
- camouflage
- camouflaged
- cloak
- drown
- hiding
- hit the deckidiom
- hole up (somewhere)
- illusion
- incognito
- secrete
- shroud
- shut
- shutsomeone/somethingout
- sidle
- skulk
- smokescreen
- tuck
the blind leading the blind
in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
uk/blaɪnd/us/blaɪnd/If something or someone istestedblind, either thepeoplebeingtestedor thepersontestingthem, or both, do notknowwhat is beingtested.
(科学实验中,测试人和/或被测人不知测试内容的)用盲测方法做…地Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- experimenter
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- putsomethingto the testidiom
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- resample
- screening
- trysomethingout
- welfare check
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Scientific techniques
be flying blind
to beflyinganaircraftsomewherewithout beingabletoseewhere you are going:
飞行时无法看到方向,盲飞;仅靠仪表飞行Headmitteddazzlingapolicehelicopterpilotwith alaserbeam,leavingthepilotflyingblind.他承认用一束激光对着一架警用直升飞机照射,导致驾驶员无法看清方向。
to be doing something without having anyexperienceof doing it before or without havingimportantinformationabout what you are doing:
没有任何经验或信息就开始做一件事,盲目行事They areflyingblind on thisissuebecause they have noideaof theextentof theproblem.在这件事上他们盲目行事,因为对问题的严重程度毫无了解。