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单词 give way
释义 give way
1.retreat;make room;get out of the way 退却;让路
*Private cars should give way to an ambulance.私人汽车应给救护车让路。
*The enemy army is giving way before the cannon fire.敌军在炮火前撤退。
*John gave way to the old lady and let her pass.约翰让路给老太太过去。
*The crowd slowly gave way before the policeman.警察迫近时,那群人便慢慢退后。
2.collapse 倒坍
*The walls gave way in the earthquake.墙在地震时倒坍了。
*The wooden bridge gave way under the heavy load.那座木桥因吃不住重压而倒塌了。
*The river was so high that the dam gave way.河水水位太高,堤坝崩溃了。
3.yield 屈服
*Her fear gave way to joy when she learned that the accident had not been serious.她得知事故并不严重时喜形于色,不再恐惧。
*A deadlock was reached in the discussions,as neither side would give way to the other.讨论已陷入僵局,因为双方互不让步。
*Mary refused at first to marry him,but she gave way at last.玛丽最初拒绝嫁给他,但是她最后让步了。
*We finally had to give way to his persuasion.最后,我们听从了他的劝告。
*You must not give way to his unreasonable demands or he will only make further demands.你切不可对他的无理要求让步,否则,他就会得寸进尺。
4.lose control of oneself;lose one's courage or hope忍不住;失去控制;失去勇气
*She didn't give way during the flood,though she was very frightened.她在洪水来临时虽然很害怕,但是没有失去自控。
*She forced herself not to give way to her emotions.她极力克制自己的感情。
*He was so frightened that his legs gave way under him.他吓得两腿发软,站都站不起来。
5.allow oneself to be overcome by;allow to decide被…征服;听凭决定
*Don't give way to despair.不要被绝望所压倒。
*She gave way to her husband in buying a new car.她任她丈夫决定买部新车。 replaced or succeeded by;give place to 让位;转变为
*The grey clouds gradually broke up and gave way to a blue sky.乌云渐渐消失,天晴了。
*As winter gave way to spring,the day began to lengthen.冬天转变为春天时,白天开始长了起来。
*Jealousy gave way to admiration of thir prowess.人们已由嫉妒转变到钦佩他们的杰出才干。
*Sorrow gave way to joy.伤心转为喜悦。
*Black and white television has given way to colour television in popularity.黑白电视已普遍为彩色电视所取代。
*When she saw the clowns,her tears gave way to laughter.当她看到小丑演出时,破涕为笑。
*Her grief gave way to happiness as soon as she heard that her husband was still alive.当她听到她丈夫还活着时,她一下子转悲为喜。




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