thejoint(=placewhere twobonesareconnected)between thefootand theleg, or thethinpartof thelegjust above thefoot:
踝关节;踝Ifellover andsprained/twistedmy ankle.我摔倒了,扭伤了脚踝。
![picture of ankle picture of ankle](
marchmeena29/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thenursebandagedmysprainedankle tokeeptheswellingdown.
- Threeminutesinto thematch, Jacksonlimpedoff thepitchwith aseriousankleinjury.
- Shesprainedher ankleplayingsquash.
- Shebrokeher ankle when she had anastytripon thestairs.
- An ankleinjurymeantshemissedtheopportunitytorunin thequalifyingheat.
The leg
- Achilles tendon
- appendicular
- bipedal
- crural
- cruris
- gastrocnemius
- hamstring
- leggy
- limb
- peroneal
- peroneus
- pes anserinus
- piriformis
- popliteal
- shank
- subtalar
- surae
- sural
- talocalcaneal
- talofibular