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单词 go for
释义 go for
1.leave a place to perform an activity离开(某地)去干
*I'd like to go for a walk;will you come with me?我想出去散散步,你能跟我一道去吗?
*Shall I go for a doctor?要不要我去请一位医生来? sold for卖
*There were perfectly good coats going for $20!有一些很好的外套只卖20美元。
*“How much did the house go for?”“It went for far less than I expected.”“那所房子卖了多少钱?”“卖价比我原来想象的少得多。”
3.attack,either physically or by words攻击(肉体上或口头上)
*The newspapers have really gone for Tom's new book in a big way!报纸果真大张旗鼓地攻击起汤姆的那本新书来。
*The taller of the two men had scarcely said a word when the other put up his fists and went for him.那个身材高些的男人刚刚说完一句话,另一个人就挥拳向他打去。
*She really went for him;I've never seen her so badtempered.她真地对他破口大骂起来了,我还从没见过她发这么大的脾气。
*I thought I'd go for question three;it looks easy.我想选第3题,它似乎容易些。
*She is not the type of girl that John goes for.她不是约翰要追求的那种女孩。
*She really goes for miniskirts.她确实喜欢超短裙。
*Dark men often go for blondes.黑肤色的男人往往倾心于金发碧眼的女郎。
6.intend to become;aim at想成为;以…为目的
*He is going for an engineer.他想当一名工程师。
*Ken's going for the tennis cham pionship this year.肯在为今年夺取网球冠军而奋斗。
7.apply to;be true of适用于;对…适用;适合于
*Listen carefully,because this goes for you all.大家认真听,这对你们都适用。
*Your sister is a selfish girl,and that goes for you,too.你姐姐是一个自私的女孩,你也一样。
*What I've said to him goes for all of you as well.我对他说的那番话,对你们大家都适用。
8.give support to;give approval to支持;赞成
*In the election,the majority of votes went for him.在选举中,大多数选票都赞成他。
*I can go for no such proposal as this.我无法支持这样一个建议。 taken as;be regarded as被看作;被认为是;起作用
*All his work went for nothing.他的一切工作被看成是毫无价值的。
*I don't think your efforts will go for much.我想你的努力不会有多大作用。
*His words don't go for much.We don't trust him.他的话无足轻重,我们不信任他。




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