CBRN suit
uk/ˌsiː.biː.ɑːrˈen ˌsuːt/us/ˌsiː.biː.ɑːrˈen ˌsuːt/apieceofclothingthatcoversthewholebodyand otherclothing,worntoprotectagainstdangeroussubstancessuch aspoisonouschemicals,harmfulbacteria, orradiationthat have been used asweapons. CBRN is an abbreviation forchemical,biological, radiological,nuclear:
(保护身体不受有毒化学品、有害细菌或辐射等伤害的)防护服,生化防护服Thepictureshowsfirefightersputting on CBRNsuits.图为消防员正在穿戴生化防护服。
NBC suit
- Theyaskpeopleto go to thedecontaminationunitsbeingrapidlyassembledbyemergencyworkersininflatedorangeCBRNsuits.
- Our CBRNsuitsprovidehighprotectionand highcomfortfor thewearer.
- This CBRNsuitis aone-pieceovergarment whichprovidesahighlyeffectivebarrieragainstchemical,biological, andradiationhazards.
Protective clothing
- armourer
- base layer
- bike helmet
- boiler suit
- chaps
- face mask
- face shield
- gaiters
- gas mask
- gauntlet
- leggings
- life jacket
- life preserver
- mouth guard
- NBC suit
- stab vest
- sun hat
- tabard
- tactical vest
- tin hat