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单词 go on
释义 go on
*I'd like to go on a long triP away from these troubles.我要去作一次很远的旅行,以摆脱这些烦恼。
2.(theatre)perform on stage在舞台上表演
*She does not go on until Act Two.她要到第2幕才出场表演。
3.ride on(an animal,etc.for fun)骑(动物等娱乐)
*The children want to go on the wooden horses.孩子们想骑木马玩。 lit被点亮
*What time do the illuminations go on tonight?今晚彩灯何时开亮?
*I'll go on duty in half an hour.我半小时后开始值勤。
*When you've finished those questions,go on to page 41.做完这些问题,你就接着做第41页上的题。
*I was tired of listening to her complaints,but she went on and on.我听厌了她发牢骚,但是她却唠叨个不停。
*We'll stop here for today and go on with the text next time.今天我们就讲到这儿,下次接着讲课文。
*I asked Jane a question but she went on reading and did'n answer.我问简一个问题,但她继续看书不回答。
*I hope it will not go on raining all day.我希望不会整天下雨。
7.continue after a pause;begin with the next thing(停顿后)继续;接着开始做另外的事(常用于动词不定式之前)
*After he had given an account of the difficulties,he went on to suggest ways of overcoming them.他先说明困难,接着建议如何克服这些困难。
*Father said mother had gone to the hospital,and went to say that Grandmother was coming to take care of us.父亲说母亲住院了,接着他又说祖母将来照料我们。
*After he had explained the theory,he went on to give us numerous examples.他解释了这个理论之后,接着给我们举了很多例子。
*What's going on here?这里出了什么事?
*He told us what had been going on.他告诉我们发生了什么事。
9.begin to receive;get help from 开始领取;得到救济
*A lot of people who never expected to be unemployed have to go on the dole.许多从来没有料到会失业的人现在只好靠领取救济金过日子了。
10.begin taking(medicine)开始服用(药)
*The doctor says that Mother has to go on this special new drug for her heart.大夫说,妈妈必须服用这种治疗她心脏病的特殊新药。
11.accept;judge by act according to接受;据…判断(猜测);依据
*You make a mistake if you go on appearances.只凭外表看你就错了。
*The police have very little to go on in this case.警察在这个案件上没有什么依据。
*You can't go on evidence like that.你不能接受那样的证据。
I suddenly saw that the belief I had been going on all my life was quite without foundation.我突然明白我一生中所依据的信念毫无道理。
12.(of money or time)be spent on(金钱、时光)消耗;流逝
*A lot of my grant goes on books,but I think it's money well spent.我的大部分助学金用于买书,但是我认为这钱是花得恰到好处。
*At least a quarter of the average income goes on housing.普通收入至少有1/4花到住房上了。
*As time went on,Mary began to wonder if John had forgotten their date.时间过了,玛丽怀疑约翰忘了他们的约会。
*The years went on,and Betty's classmates became greyhaired men and women.岁月无情,贝蒂的男女同学都变成白发老人了。
*If you go on like this,you must expect trouble.如果你继续这样做,你会自找麻烦的。
*I've never seen her go on like that before.我过去从没见过她象这个样子。 on;be able to be worn适合;能穿上
*My sister's skirt wouldn't go on me;it was too small.我姐姐的裙子我穿不上,太小了。
*How did you go on in your English examination?你英语考得如何?
*I don't know how we should have gone on without your help.我不知道没有你的帮助我们该如何应付。
16.stop teasing;stop trying to fool停止开玩笑;不要戏弄
*When father told mother she was the prettiest girl in the world,mother just said:“Oh,go on(with you)!”父亲告诉母亲说她是世上最美的女人时,母亲说:“不要取笑了!”
17.(sport)take one's turn(体育)接替;轮换
*It's your turn to go on.该你上了。
*You go on next.下一个就是你上了。




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