uk/ˈbaɪ.uː/us/ˈbaɪ.uː/(in thesouthernUS) a very slow-movingstreamorriverthatflowsthroughflat,wetgroundnear thecoastand is usuallyshallow(= notdeep)withtreesgrowingin and around it:
Thiswaterplantgrowssoquicklythat it cancoverawidebayou in adayor two.
Thenearbylakesand bayous arepopularforfishing.
the bayou(alsothe bayous)
aflat,wetareaoflandnear thecoastin thesouthernUS thatcontainsmanyconnected, slow-movingstreamsandlakes, and usually has manytreesgrowingin it:
Themovietellsthestoryof aCajunboyin the bayou whospendshistimeraftingthrough alligator-infestedmarshesandinkyrivers.
She wassurprisedtolearnthat hergrandmotherhadlivedin the bayous as achild.
- Thisstewispopularin bayoucountry.
- Oilcompaniescutstraightcanalsystemsthrough theserpentinebayous.
- Ariverand bayouflankthecityon twosides.
- Manyalligatorslivein the bayous of Louisiana.
Watercourses & waterfalls
- amazon
- arroyo
- beck
- bourne
- brook
- burn
- cascade
- cataract
- Euphrates
- fluvial
- fordable
- gulch
- maelstrom
- plunge pool
- rapids
- rill
- riverbed
- riverine
- runnel
- waterway