uk/ˈbiː.kən/us/ˈbiː.kən/alightorfirein aplacethat iseasytosee, such as on thetopof ahill, thatactsas awarningorsignal:
Aspartof thecentenarycelebrationsachainof beacons waslitacrosstheregion.作为百年庆典的一部分,这个地区各处点起了一盏盏信标灯。
Thetowerhad aflashingbeacon thatpeoplecouldseefrommilesaway.
See also
Belisha beacon
adevicethatsendsout aradiosignalto show thepositionof something such as aship,aircraft, etc.:
A plane'stransponderis a beacon thattransmitsanidentifyingcode.
Planesflyalongaircorridorsmarkedby ground-basedradiobeacons.
a goodexamplethat givespeoplehopeorencouragement:
She was a beaconofhopeintroubledtimes.在动荡的年代,她是人们的希望之灯。
He saidBritaincouldbecomea beacon to therestof theworld.
- Boston Light on Little Brewster Island is the only beacon stillmannedby an active-dutyCoastGuardcrew.
- At thefarend of thestreet,headlightsshinelike a beacon.
- Robottaxiswouldrespondtoelectronicsignalsfromnavigationbeacons.
- Hedevelopeda beacon tolocateskiersburiedin anavalanche.
- Dubai wastransformedfrom anancientPersianGulfportinto aglitzyinternationalhubofspasandskyscrapers- and a beacon ofmodernityfor theArabworld.
- "How can theUnitedStatesupholdourpositionas a beacon for thefreeexchangeofideasandscienceif we ourselvescensorauthors?" heasks.
- Hecontinuedtobelievein theideaofracialjusticeinAmerica. And that's what makes him such a beacon.
Specific signs and symbols
- argent
- arrow
- badge
- brand
- Britannia
- checksomethingoff
- chevron
- coat of arms
- crested
- cross
- dot
- hallmark
- L-plate
- Maltese cross
- Morse code
- registered trademark
- semaphore
- service mark
- shield
- underscore
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Fire & flame
Signs, signals and symbols
Broadcasting: radio
Encouraging and urging on