mainlyUKuk/ˈɑːn.sə.fəʊn/us/ˈæn.sɚ.foʊn/(USusuallyanswering machine)adeviceconnectedto aphonethatanswerscallsautomaticallyandrecordsmessagesfrom thepersoncalling:
电话答录机;(自动应答)录音电话机She wasn't in so Ileftamessageonher answerphone.她不在家,所以我在她的电话答录机上留了言。
I called severaltimeslastweek, but Ikeptgettinghis answerphone.上周我给他打了几次电话,但总是听到电话答录机的声音。
- Thevoiceon the answerphone said "Pleaseleaveanymessageafter thebeep".
- Heleftarathergarbledmessageon my answerphone.
- Outsideofficehoursclientscanleavemessagesonouranswerphone.
- When she'sbusygetting thechildrentobed, she usuallyleavesthe answerphone on.
- Irangbut only got the answerphone, so I went round tocheckthat she was ok.
Communications - telephone equipment
- answering machine
- blower
- brick
- burner
- caller ID
- cell phone
- device
- dumbphone
- extension
- fascia
- phablet
- platform
- powerbank
- sim
- SIM card
- smartphone
- switchboard
- telephone
- telephone booth
- telephone exchange