释义 |
bearverb(ACCEPT)B2[T]toaccept,tolerate, orenduresomething,especiallysomethingunpleasant: 忍受;容忍;经受;承担 Thestrainmust have beenenormousbut she bore it well.当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。 Tell me now! I can't bearthesuspense!现在告诉我吧!我等不及了! It'syourdecision- you have to beartheresponsibilityif things gowrong.是你作出的决定——如果出了差错你必须承担责任。 [+ to infinitive]He couldn't beartoseethedoginpain.他不忍看见狗那么痛苦。 [+ -ing verb]I can't bear beingbored.我受不了闲极无聊的日子。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto accept or continue in a situation that is difficult or unpleasant - bearI will bear the responsibility for whatever happens.
- endureShe endured years of hip pain before seeing a surgeon.
- sufferShe suffers from severe asthma.
- acceptI have finally accepted that I can't change who he is.
- resign yourself toI have resigned myself to the fact that I'll never work again.
- become resigned toPeople have become resigned to the fact that increased security means much longer wait times at airports.
See more results » not bear thinking about to be toounpleasantorfrighteningtothinkabout: (糟糕或可怕得)不敢想象"What if she'd beendrivingfaster?" "It doesn't bearthinkingabout."“假如她车开得再快一点儿会怎么样?”“简直不敢想象。” See more- I can't bear thisstiflinghumidity.
- I can't bear it when someonestartsrammingtheirviewsdownyourthroat.
- "I can't bear toseegoodvictualswasted," said Martha.
- Mymothercouldn't bearwaste- she always made useateverything onourplates.
- I put myhandsover myeyesbecause I couldn't bear towatch.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTolerating and enduring - bear withsomeone
- bearable
- bide
- come to terms withsomethingidiom
- endurable
- philosophically
- resignyourselftosomething
- resignedly
- ridesomethingout
- rough
- sit
- sitsomethingout
- stand forsomething
- stick
- struggle
- sweat it outidiom
- wait
- waitsomethingout
- weather the stormidiom
- withstand
See more results » bearverb(HAVE)C1[T]to have orcontinueto have something: 具有,带有 Theirbabybearsastrongresemblancetoitsgrandfather.他们的宝宝长得非常像他爷爷。 Thestoneplaquebearing hisnamewassmashedtopieces.上面刻有他名字的石匾被砸得粉碎。 Ondisplaywereboxingglovesthat bore Rocky Marciano'ssignature.展品中有洛基·马西亚诺签过名的拳击手套。 [+ two objects]I don't bear them anyillfeeling(= I do notcontinueto beangrywith ordislikethem).我并不怨恨他们。 Thank you foryouradvice- I'll bear itinmind(= I willrememberandconsiderit).谢谢你的忠告,我会谨记在心的。 - Thenumerousawardson thewallsbearwitnessto hisgreatsuccess.
- I bear him nomalice.
- She bears afaintresemblanceto mysister.
- Thisexplosionbears all thehallmarksof aterroristattack.
- Thebookbears severalstrikingsimilaritiesto last year'sbestseller.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHaving and owning - general words - acquire
- acquisition
- attach
- attachsomethingtosomething
- be endowed withsomethingidiom
- bearer
- carry
- claim
- holder
- lay
- lord/master/mistress/king/queen of allyousurveyidiom
- makesomething(all)yourownidiom
- mistress
- not/never want for anythingidiom
- revert
- revert tosomething
- shared ownership
- stakesomethingout
- survey
- they've
See more results » bearverb(SUPPORT)[T]toholdorsupportsomething: 负载,负担,负荷 Thechair, toofragileto bear herweight,collapsed.椅子太不结实了,她一坐上去就散架了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPhysical supports and supporting - abutment
- bolster
- bookend
- bracket
- burden
- buttress
- groan
- lath
- load-bearing
- pier
- pile
- pillar
- prop
- propsomethingup
- rafter
- rib
- sinew
- underpin
- unsupported
- weight-bearing
See more results » bearverb(PRODUCE)C2[T]formalto givebirthtoyoung, or (of atreeorplant) to give orproducefruitorflowers: 生(孩子);结(果实);开(花) She had borne sixchildrenby thetimeshe was 30.她到30岁时已经生了6个孩子。 [+ two objects]When hiswifebore himachildhe could nothidehisdelight.当妻子生了个小孩时,他掩饰不住内心的喜悦。 Mostanimalsbeartheiryoungin thespring.大多数动物都在春天产崽儿。 Thepeartreetheyplantedhas never bornefruit.他们种的梨树从来没有结过梨。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlant reproduction - asexuality
- asexually
- barren
- barrenness
- breeder
- cross-pollination
- endosperm
- germinate
- pollinate
- pollination
- pollinator
- propagate
- propagation
- propagative
- siltation
- sporangium
- spore
- stigma
- unfruitful
- wind pollination
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: bearverb(BRING)[T]formaltocarryandmovesomething to aplace: 携带;运送 AtChristmasthefamilyallarriveat thehousebearinggifts.圣诞节时,全家人带着礼物来到那幢房子。 Countlesswaitersboretraysofdrinksinto theroom.许多服务员端着一盘盘饮料进入房间。 Thesoundof theicecreamvanwas borne into theofficeon thewind.冰激凌车的叮当声随风飘进了办公室。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTransferring and transporting objects - bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- chauffeur
- convey
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
- truck
See more results » bearverb(CHANGE DIRECTION)C1[Iusually+ adv/prep]tochangedirectionslightlyso that you are going in aparticulardirection: 转向 Thepathfollowedthecoastlinefor severalmiles, then boreinland.这条小路沿着海岸线延伸了几英里,然后转向内陆。 After you go past thechurchkeepbearingleft/right.经过教堂后,继续向左/右。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesChanging direction - about-face
- about-turn
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflect
- diversionary
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- peaked
- reverse
- turn
- turn off(something)
- U-ie
- veer
- wheel
- yo-yoing
See more results » bearverb(SAY)bear testimony/witnessformal to say youknowfromyourownexperiencethat somethinghappenedor istrue: 见证,作证She borewitnesstohispatienceanddiligence.她亲眼见证了他的耐心和勤奋。 If something bearstestimonyto afact, itprovesthat it istrue: 证明Theironbridgebearstestimonytotheskillsdevelopedin thatera.这座铁桥证明了那个时代的技术发展水平。 See morebear false witnessold use Heaccusedhisneighbourof bearingfalsewitnessagainst him. See moreGrammarBornorborne? We use born in the phrase be born to indicate that a child has entered the world:… Born We use born in the phrase be born to indicate that a child has entered the world:… Bear,bore,borne Bear means to tolerate something, usually something that you dislike. It is most commonly used in the expression can’t bear. The past form is bore and the -ed form is borne:… Phrasal verbsbear away bearsomeone/somethingaway bear down bear down onsomeone/something bear in on/upon bear onsomething bearsomeone/somethingout bear up bear withsomeone bearnoun[C](ANIMAL)A2alarge,strongwildmammalwith athickfurcoatthatlivesespeciallyincolderpartsofEurope,Asia, andNorthAmerica: 熊 abrown/blackbear棕熊/黑熊 a bearcub(=youngbear)幼熊 See alsogrizzly bear polar bear teddy(TOY)  GlobalP/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages - Wesellallshapesandsizesofteddybear.
- Emilyhuggedherteddybeartightlyto herchest.
- He had ascruffyoldteddybear which went by thenameof Augustus.
- Polar bearslivein theArctic.
- Theillustrationsshowmonstrousbeastswithbodieslike bears andheadsliketigers.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWild mammals - aardvark
- anteater
- armadillo
- Bactrian
- bandicoot
- grizzly bear
- hedgehog
- hippopotamus
- javelina
- joey
- peccary
- pine marten
- platypus
- polar bear
- polecat
- tamandua
- tapir
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian wolf
- thylacine
See more results » bearnoun[C](MAN)slanganoldergayman who islargeand has a lot ofhairon hisbody (年龄较大、身材魁梧且多毛的)同性恋男人 bearnoun[C](FINANCE)finance & economicsspecializedapersonwhosellsshareswhenpricesareexpectedtofall, inorderto make aprofitbybuyingthem back again at alowerprice (股市中)做空头者;(对行情)看跌的人 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStock markets - algo
- anti-city
- anti-dilution
- anti-speculation
- anti-speculative
- bearish
- bond
- broker
- bull
- bull market
- non-controlling
- non-convertible
- non-cumulative
- non-directional
- non-discretionary
- payback period
- rogue trader
- stockbroker
- stockholder
- the Big Board
See more results » Idiomsbe like a bear with a sore head does a bear/do bears shit in the woods? (Definition ofbearfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)bearverb(ACCEPT)B2[T]toaccept,tolerate, orenduresomething,especiallysomethingunpleasant 忍受;容忍;经受;承担Thestrainmust have beenenormousbut she bore it well.当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。 Tell me now! I can't bearthesuspense!现在告诉我吧!我等不及了! It'syourdecision- you have to beartheresponsibilityif things gowrong.是你作出的决定——如果出了差错你必须承担责任。 [+ to infinitive]He couldn't beartoseethedoginpain.他不忍看见狗那么痛苦。 [+ -ing verb]I can't bear beingbored.我受不了闲极无聊的日子。 not bear thinking about to be toounpleasantorfrighteningtothinkabout (糟糕或可怕得)不敢想象"What if she'd beendrivingfaster?" "It doesn't bearthinkingabout."“假如她车开得再快一点儿会怎么样?”“简直不敢想象。” - I can't bear thisstiflinghumidity.
- I can't bear it when someonestartsrammingtheirviewsdownyourthroat.
- "I can't bear toseegoodvictualswasted," said Martha.
- Mymothercouldn't bearwaste- she always made useateverything onourplates.
- I put myhandsover myeyesbecause I couldn't bear towatch.
bearverb(HAVE)C1[T]to have orcontinueto have something 具有,带有Theirbabybearsastrongresemblancetoitsgrandfather.他们的宝宝长得非常像他爷爷。 Thestoneplaquebearing hisnamewassmashedtopieces.上面刻有他名字的石匾被砸得粉碎。 Ondisplaywereboxingglovesthat bore Rocky Marciano'ssignature.展品中有洛基·马西亚诺签过名的拳击手套。 [+ two objects]I don't bear them anyillfeeling(= I do notcontinueto beangrywith ordislikethem).我并不怨恨他们。 Thank you foryouradvice- I'll bear itinmind(= I willrememberandconsiderit).谢谢你的忠告,我会谨记在心的。 - Thenumerousawardson thewallsbearwitnessto hisgreatsuccess.
- I bear him nomalice.
- She bears afaintresemblanceto mysister.
- Thisexplosionbears all thehallmarksof aterroristattack.
- Thebookbears severalstrikingsimilaritiesto last year'sbestseller.
bearverb(SUPPORT)[T]toholdorsupportsomething 负载,负担,负荷Thechair, toofragileto bear herweight,collapsed.椅子太不结实了,她一坐上去就散架了。 bearverb(PRODUCE)C2[T]formalto givebirthtoyoung, or (of atreeorplant) to give orproducefruitorflowers 生(孩子);结(果实);开(花)She had borne sixchildrenby thetimeshe was 30.她到30岁时已经生了6个孩子。 [+ two objects]When hiswifebore himachildhe could nothidehisdelight.当妻子生了个小孩时,他掩饰不住内心的喜悦。 Mostanimalsbeartheiryoungin thespring.大多数动物都在春天产崽儿。 Thepeartreetheyplantedhas never bornefruit.他们种的梨树从来没有结过梨。 bearverb(BRING)[T]formaltocarryandmovesomething to aplace 携带;运送AtChristmasthefamilyallarriveat thehousebearinggifts.圣诞节时,全家人带着礼物来到那幢房子。 Countlesswaitersboretraysofdrinksinto theroom.许多服务员端着一盘盘饮料进入房间。 Thesoundof theicecreamvanwas borne into theofficeon thewind.冰激凌车的叮当声随风飘进了办公室。 bearverb(CHANGE DIRECTION)C1[Iusually+ adv/prep]tochangedirectionslightlyso that you are going in aparticulardirection 转向Thepathfollowedthecoastlinefor severalmiles, then boreinland.这条小路沿着海岸线延伸了几英里,然后转向内陆。 After you go past thechurchkeepbearingleft/right.经过教堂后,继续向左/右。 bearverb(SAY)bear testimony/witnessformal to say youknowfromyourownexperiencethat somethinghappenedor istrue 见证,作证She borewitnesstohispatienceanddiligence.她亲眼见证了他的耐心和勤奋。 If something bearstestimonyto afact, itprovesthat it istrue. 证明Theironbridgebearstestimonytotheskillsdevelopedin thatera.这座铁桥证明了那个时代的技术发展水平。 bear false witnessold use GrammarBornorborne? We use born in the phrase be born to indicate that a child has entered the world:… Born We use born in the phrase be born to indicate that a child has entered the world:… Bear,bore,borne Bear means to tolerate something, usually something that you dislike. It is most commonly used in the expression can’t bear. The past form is bore and the -ed form is borne:… Phrasal verbsbear down bear down onsb/sth bear in on/upon bear onsth bearsb/sthout bear up bear withsb bearnoun[C](ANIMAL)A2alarge,strongwildmammalwith athickfurcoatthatlivesespeciallyincolderpartsofEurope,Asia, andNorthAmerica 熊abrown/blackbear棕熊/黑熊 a bearcub(=youngbear)幼熊 See alsogrizzly bear polar bear teddy(TOY) - Wesellallshapesandsizesofteddybear.
- Emilyhuggedherteddybeartightlyto herchest.
- He had ascruffyoldteddybear which went by thenameof Augustus.
- Polar bearslivein theArctic.
- Theillustrationsshowmonstrousbeastswithbodieslike bears andheadsliketigers.
bearnoun[C](MAN)slanganoldergayman who islargeand has a lot ofhairon hisbody (年龄较大、身材魁梧且多毛的)同性恋男人 bearnoun[C](FINANCE)finance & economicsspecializedapersonwhosellsshareswhenpricesareexpectedtofall, inorderto make aprofitbybuyingthem back again at alowerprice Idiomsbe like a bear with a sore head does a bear/do bears shit in the woods? bear| American Dictionarybearnoun[C](ANIMAL)alarge,strongmammalwiththickfurthatlivesesp. incolderpartsof theworld: bearverb(CARRY)[T]tocarryorbringsomething: Fans bearingbannersringedthestadium. bearverb(SUPPORT)[T]toholdorsupportsomething: Thebridgehas to bestrengthenedto bearheavierloads. bearverb(ACCEPT)toacceptsomethingpainfulorunpleasantwithdeterminationandstrength: [T]Since you will bear most of theresponsibility, you should get therewards. [+ to infinitive]He could not bear toseehersuffering. bearverb(HAVE)[T]to have as aqualityorcharacteristic: Mylifebore littleresemblanceto what I’dhopedfor. bearverb(PRODUCE)[T]past participlebornus/bɔrn,boʊrn/(ofmammals) to givebirthtoyoung, or of atreeorplantto give orproducefruitorflowers: She bore threechildrenin fiveyears. Note:- When talking about mammals, use the past participle spelling "born" to talk about a person or animal’s birth, and the spelling "borne" to talk about a mother giving birth to a child:She had borne fourboys.
bearverb(TRAVEL)[Ialways+ adv/prep]totravelormovein thestateddirection: After youpassthelight, bearleftuntil you come to abank. Phrasal verbsbear down bear down onsomeone/something bear outsomething/someone bear up bear withsomeone/something (Definition ofbearfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)someone whoexpectspriceson afinancialmarketto go down andsellstheirshares, etc.hopingtobuythem back in thefutureat alowerprice: Thebrokerage, which has been apersistentbear inrecentmonths,switcheditsrecommendationfromselltohold. The bears aredrivenbybadeconomicnewsfrom Japan, such as July's 2.4%monthlyslumpinindustrialproduction. (Definition ofbearfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofbearbear The fitness consequences of bearing domatia and having the right ant partner: experiments with protective and non-protective ants in a semi-myrmecophyte.From theCambridge English Corpus The iconography of fresco decorations in the same halls bears out and reinforces the difference of emphasis.From theCambridge English Corpus That to me represents lack of understanding of the very special knowledge that is brought tobear.From theCambridge English Corpus For many, trust was borne out of positive experience from past referrals.From theCambridge English Corpus Electrostatic potential between surfaces bearing ionizable groups in ionic equilibrium with physiologic saline solution.From theCambridge English Corpus It should be borne in mind that the scale is a screen for depressive symptoms rather than a diagnostic instrument.From theCambridge English Corpus It is worth bearing in mind, however, that their subjects were university students.From theCambridge English Corpus His perceptions are certainly borne out by my own experience of visiting the building.From theCambridge English Corpus In some cases, argumentsbearsemantic properties that, typically, require that theybeara direct grammatical function, but in these cases they do not.From theCambridge English Corpus In fact, although the discipline he imposed in his factory was a severe one, it was born of a desire to improve his workmen's lot.From theCambridge English Corpus The children were interested in thebearand wanted to hear ' him ' reply.From theCambridge English Corpus Indeed, prompt-the control delimiter-was "born" twice for radically different reasons.From theCambridge English Corpus Infants were healthy with no known developmental delays and were born full-term (37-43 weeks) with normal birth weights (2.9-4.2 kg).From theCambridge English Corpus Four patients had been born prematurely and had ductal ligation soon after birth.From theCambridge English Corpus First, readers shouldbearin mind the role of behavioral treatment relative to other medical approaches.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/bear## |