uk/ˈæn.θrə.pəˌsɪːn/us/ˈæn.θrə.pəˌsɪːn/the Anthropocene
the mostrecentperiodin the earth'shistory, whenhumanactivitieshave a veryimportanteffecton the earth'senvironmentandclimate(=weatherconditions):
Manygeologistsbelievethathumanshavealteredtheearthso much since thestartof theindustrialrevolutionthat we are nowlivingin a newepochcalled the Anthropocene.
- Argumentsoccuras to when, if at all, the Holoceneendedand the Anthropocenebegan.
- Toassignaspecificdateto theonsetof the "Anthropocene"seemssomewhatarbitrary, but weproposethelatterpartof the 18thcentury.
- The Anthropocenerepresentsa newphasein thehistoryof bothhumankindand of theEarth, whennaturalforcesandhumanforcesbecameintertwined.
Geology - general words
- aquifer
- auriferous
- biozone
- Cambrian
- carboniferous
- cementation
- compaction
- Cretaceous
- hoodoo
- interbed
- Jurassic
- karst
- Mesozoic
- plate tectonics
- pyroclastic
- Quaternary
- sedimentation
- selenologist
- tectonic
- the rock cycle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Specific periods of time
uk/ˈæn.θrə.pəˌsɪːn/us/ˈæn.θrə.pəˌsɪːn/relatingor referring to the mostrecentperiodin the earth'shistory, whenhumanactivitieshave a veryimportanteffecton the earth'senvironmentandclimate(=weatherconditions):
The AnthropoceneEpochis anunofficialunitof geologictime.
- Thisweek, wediscussthe Anthropoceneage, atimewhenhumansareliterallyshapingtheearth.
- Anthropoceneextinctionis anongoingextinctioneventofspeciesduring thepresentepochas aresultofhumanactivity.
Geology - general words
- aquifer
- auriferous
- biozone
- Cambrian
- carboniferous
- cementation
- compaction
- Cretaceous
- hoodoo
- interbed
- Jurassic
- karst
- Mesozoic
- plate tectonics
- pyroclastic
- Quaternary
- sedimentation
- selenologist
- tectonic
- the rock cycle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Specific periods of time