uk/ˌtʃɪm.ɪˈniː.ə/us/ˌtʃɪm.ɪˈniː.ə/ahollowstructureforholdingafireoutside, usually made ofclayormetal, with anarrowtopwheresmokecanescape:
(带球根状烟囱的)独立式泥制(或金属制)烧烤炉Thisbeautifulchiminea makesyourpatiotheperfectplacetoentertainallyearlong.这个漂亮的独立烧烤炉让您的露台成为一年四季都能使用的完美娱乐场所。

evemilla/ E+/GettyImages
- If you don'twanttolightafiredirectlyon theground,optfor awood-burningstove, afirebowlor acast-ironchiminea.
- We're going to put onoursweatshirts,fireup the chiminea andcrackopenabottleof Cabernet.
- Aunt Elspeth is consideratelyofferedaseatnext to the chiminea.
- Sustainability isbangontrend-thinkcosy,chunkychiminea vhideous,gas-guzzlingpatioheater.
Heaters & burners
- bar
- barbecue
- barbecue pit
- barbie
- cigarette lighter
- electric blanket
- electric heater
- fan heater
- furnace
- gas fire
- geyser
- matchstick
- patio heater
- potbellied stove
- retort
- room heater
- safety match
- wood stove
- wood-burning stove