(alsochinook wind)
awarm,drywindthatblowsfrom themountainsover theflatterlandto theeastinwesternNorthAmerica:
奇努克风(从北美洲西部高山向东吹向平原的干燥暖风)Coloradooften getsparticularlyhardhitby chinooks.科罗拉多经常受到奇努克风的严重影响。
Thefamouschinookwindblowsconstantlyoff the RockiesrightacrossthispatchofsouthernAlberta.为人所熟知的奇努克风不断从落基山脉吹过这片南亚伯达的土地。
- It is a chinook, awindthatracesdown theeasternslopesof the Rockies.
- InColoradothewindis called a chinook,blowingoff themountains.
- ACanadianstudyrecentlydemonstratedalinkbetween chinooks and theonsetofmigraines.
Wind & winds
- air pocket
- airstream
- anemometer
- blast
- blowy
- breeze
- dust devil
- dust storm
- hurricane
- jet stream
- prevailing
- sigh
- sirocco
- sou'wester
- squall
- the Coriolis effect
- tornado
- weathercock
- westerly
- windless
(alsoChinook)pluralchinookororchinooks(alsochinook salmon,Chinook salmon)
afishthat is alargetypeofsalmon(=fishthatliveboth in theseaand inrivers, andswimupriverstoproducetheireggs):
"The chinook is thelargestPacificsalmon.
Theriverandestuaryprovideanessentialhabitatfor chinooksalmon.

- AlargeChinook is aprizedcatchfor asportingangler.
- Chinook arenativeto theNorthPacificOcean and theriversystemsofwesternNorthAmerica.
- Theorcaslike toeatsalmon,particularlychinooks.
- The Yuba Riversupportsthelargestrunofwildchinooksalmonin thestate.
Sea fish
- albacore
- American shad
- anchovy
- barracuda
- beluga
- eel
- elver
- flatfish
- flathead
- flounder
- marlin
- nurse shark
- pilchard
- plaice
- pollack
- stickleback
- stingray
- stonefish
- sturgeon
- swordfish
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Freshwater fish
Fish & seafood