avehiclewith fourwheelsthat is usuallypulledbyhorsesand was usedmainlyin the past:

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any of theseparatepartsof atrainin which thepassengerssit:
- The carriage at the end of thetrainwasleftstrandedwhen thecouplingbroke.
- The Queen's carriageheadedtheprocession.
- Thehorseswerehitchedto ashinyblackcarriage.
- With everyjarof the carriage, thechildrenshriekedwithexcitement.
Carriages & carts
- brougham
- buggy
- carryall
- chaise
- chuckwagon
- coupe
- covered wagon
- dray
- gig
- horse-drawn
- horsebox
- ox-drawn
- popemobile
- sedan chair
- stagecoach
- surrey
- trap
- trishaw
- tuktuk
- wagon
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Railways: trains & parts of trains
货运;运费That will be £150, carriageincluded.总共150英镑,包括运费。
Delivering and despatching
- air bridge
- air corridor
- air drop
- air-dash
- box scheme
- consign
- courier
- drop off
- misaddress
- misdirect
- misdirection
- misroute
- sendsomethingoff
- sendsomethingon
- sendsomethingout
- ship
- shipment
- shoot
- truck
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - the postal system
Costs & expenses
carriagenoun(BODY MOVEMENT)
the way in which apersonmovesorkeepstheirbodywhen they arestanding,sitting, orwalking
- attitude
- bearing
- carry
- crossed
- deportment
- orthostatic
- pose
- position
- postural
- posture
- power pose
- power posing
- strike
- strike an attitudeidiom
- suck
- sucksomethingin