apersonor thing thatcarriessomething
航空公司used as acombiningform,especiallyinphrasesthat refer tomilitaryvehiclesof atypethatcarryothervehiclesorgroupsofsoldiers:
informalforaircraft carrier
航空母舰(aircraft carrier的非正式说法)Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- chauffeur
- convey
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Air travel: aviation
Army & military vehicles
carriernoun[C](PHONE COMPANY)
(alsophone carrier)
acompanythatprovidesmobilephoneservicestopeopleso they can makecalls,sendmessages, etc.:
You cantransferyourexistingmobilephonenumberto a new carrier.
Onlyyourcarrierlimitsthenumberofcharactersyou canreceiveintextmessages.
People arewillingtochangephonecarriers inordertosavea fewdollars.
They used the newhigh-speeddatanetworksthatcellphonecarriers hadbuilt.
Thecompanyis one of Japan'sbiggestmobilephonecarriers.
- acquiree
- acquirer
- acquiror
- agency
- agribusiness
- answering service
- citadel
- consortium
- fintech
- firm
- franchise
- franchisee
- franchiser
- multinational
- organizational
- packer
- parent company
- partner up
- partnership
- plc
UK(alsocarrier bag)(USshopping bag)
alargeplasticorpaperbagwithhandles, used tocarrythings that you havebought,especiallyone given to you in ashop
AnthonyRosenberg/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Bags in general
- bag for life
- bagful
- carry(something)on
- doggy bag
- feedbag
- gunnysack
- man bag
- nosebag
- party bag
- pencil case
- pouch
- sack
- self-seal
- self-sealing
- shopper
- shopping trolley
- stuff sack
- trug
- wheelie bag
- Ziploc
someone who does notsufferfrom adiseasebut has theinfectionorgeneticfaultthatcausesit and can give thediseaseto someoneelse:
带菌者;病毒携带者There are anestimated1.5 millionHIVcarriers in thecountry.据估计,这个国家有150万艾滋病毒携带者。
Passing on illness & causing disease
- aerosolize
- community transmission
- contact tracer
- contact tracing
- disseminator
- epidemic
- harbour
- infect
- infected
- insalubrious
- noncarrier
- noncontagious
- pass on
- percent positive
- pestilential
- transmissible
- transmit
- transmittable
- unhygienic
- virally