phrasal verbwithcarryverbuk/ˈkær.i/us/ˈker.i/
to do orcompletesomething,especiallythat you have said you would do or that you have been told to do:
Dr Carter iscarryingoutresearchon earlyChristianart.
Thehospitaliscarryingoutteststofindout what'swrongwith her.
Oursoldierscarriedout asuccessfulattacklastnight.
It ishopedthat the kidnappers will notcarryouttheirthreattokillthehostages.
Don'tblameme, I'm onlycarryingout myorders/instructions.
- Thestudywill becarriedout over a six-monthperiod.
- Theplotwasdiscoveredbefore it wascarriedout.
- Thepolicecarriedout athoroughsearchof thepremises, butfailedtofindanydrugs.
- Moreresearchon thesubjectneedsto becarriedout.
- According towitnesses, therobberywascarriedout by twoteenageboys.
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
- A game
- accomplish
- achieve
- acquit
- actualize
- bear
- go (like/down) a bombidiom
- go from strength to strengthidiom
- go into orbitidiom
- go placesidiom
- go the whole hogidiom
- grade
- kill
- rise
- sewsomethingup
- slam dunk
- smash itidiom
- somewhere
- stand out
- streak ahead