uk/ˈbliː.ni/us/ˈbliː.ni/pluralbliniorblinisapancakemade withyeast(= atypeoffungusthat makesbreadrise)and oftenbuckwheatflour(=flourfrom asmall,darkgrain)and usuallyeatenfoldedover withsouredcreamor some otherfoodinside :
Blini aretraditionallymade in Russia.
Each blinirequiresone to twotablespoonsofbatter.

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a verysmallpancakemade withyeast(= atypeoffungusthat makesbreadrise)usuallyservedwith asmallamountoffoodontopas anappetizer(= asmallamountoffoodeatenbefore ameal):
Weorderedanappetizerof blini withpumpkinpuréeand a littlespinachandgoatcheeseontop.
Make blinis inbatchesof six or eight byspooningateaspoonof themixtureinto thehotoil.
- The blini are thenbakedin atraditionalRussianoven.
- Blinis aretraditionallycookedinclarifiedbutterandservedwithcaviarorsmokedsalmon.
- Add moremeltedbutterto thepanfor eachbatchof blinis.
Pancakes & batter
- batter
- bhaji
- churro
- crepe
- creperie
- crêpe Suzette
- flapjack
- fritter
- galette
- griddle cake
- hoecake
- johnnycake
- latke
- pakora
- pancake
- polenta
- toad-in-the-hole
- waffle
- Yorkshire pudding