blister pack
uk/ˈblɪs.tə ˌpæk/us/ˈblɪs.tɚ ˌpæk/a way ofwrappinganobjectforsalethat consists ofstiffcardboardwithfirmplasticfixedto it that isshapedaround theobject:
(商品的)吸塑包装(硬纸箱外面再贴合一层坚硬的塑料)Plenty ofconsumershavetroublewithplasticpackaginglaminatedtocardboard,knownasblisterpacks.很多消费者不喜欢纸箱外贴合的塑料包装,也就是所谓的吸塑包装。

Yevgen Romanenko/Moment/GettyImages
a way ofwrappingpillsthat consists of ashapedpieceofplasticwith aspacefor eachpill,coveredwith asheetoffoil(= verythinmetal)orthinplasticthat can betorn:
(药片的)泡罩包装Theysoldthepillsinfoilblisterpacksof 30pillseach.他们出售泡罩包装的药片,每盒30片。
- Retailersdemandblisterpacksfor high-value things likecamerafilmsandbatteries, to make thembulkierand lesseasilystolen.
- Despite beingself-contained, thegluestickcomes in ablisterpackofplasticandcard.
- Manyprescriptiondrugscome in 30-dose or 60-doseblisterpacks.
- At thebottomof mybagIfoundablisterpackof 37.5-milligramcapsules.
- At somedrugstores,syrupbottlesandblisterpacksofcoughsuppressants arekeptbehind thecounter.
Wrapping, packing and loading
- bag
- bottle
- Bubble Wrap
- bundle
- bundle (someone) up
- containerize
- package
- packaging
- packer
- packet
- packing
- parcel
- parcelsomethingup
- polystyrene
- preload
- shrink-wrap
- tinned
- traffic light
- vacuum-packed
- wax paper
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