暴风雪;雪暴Weoncegotstuckina blizzard for sixhours.我们曾被暴风雪困了6个小时之久。
Blizzardconditionsmade themainroadsalmostimpassable.暴风雪导致主要道路几乎无法通行。

Shay Murphy Photography/Moment/GettyImages
Precipitation: stormy weather
- angrily
- blow over
- bolt
- bomb cyclone
- bombogenesis
- cyclogenesis
- derecho
- electrical storm
- elemental
- hurricane
- sheet lightning
- storm cloud
- tempestuously
- thunder
- thundersnow
- thunderstorm
- thundery
- tornado
- weather bomb
- whirlwind
blizzardnoun(LARGE AMOUNT)
alargeamountof something thatarrivesor isproducedtogether in aconfusingorbadlyorganizedway:
大量繁乱的事(物)a blizzardofstatistics/handouts繁乱的统计数字/雪片般的传单
Masses and large amounts of things
- accumulation
- any number ofthingsidiom
- armload
- backlog
- bolus
- flood
- foam
- logjam
- many
- motherlode
- multi-million
- multitude
- pile
- stack
- the lion's shareidiom
- tsunami
- wave after/upon waveidiom
- wedge
- welter
- wodge