block capitals
uk/ˌblɒk ˈkæp.ɪ.təlz/us/ˌblɑːk ˈkæp.ə.t̬əlz/(also mainlyUSblock letters)astyleof writing in which eachletterof a word is writtenseparatelyandclearlyusing thecapitallettersof thealphabet:

Amin Amirullah/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Iwrotefiveheadingsinblockcapitalsat thetopof thecolumns.
- Theletterswere hand-written inblockcapitals.
- Hisattentionwasdrawnto aredcirclewhich had beendrawnin the Business Section with thenameJUDASscrawledinlargeblockcapitals.
- Why did he useblockcapitalsin theminutes?
- abbreviated
- accent
- apostrophe
- at sign
- capitalization
- caron
- cedilla
- comma
- dash
- diacritical
- double prime
- question mark
- round brackets
- semicolon
- small cap
- small capitals
- solidus
- square brackets
- stroke
- unbracketed