toimagineorexpectthat something willhappen:
预期,期望;预料We don't anticipate anytrouble.我们不希望出现任何问题。
We had one or twodifficultiesalong the way that we didn't anticipate.在进行的过程中,我们遇到一两个没有预料到的难题。
Are you anticipating a lot ofpeopleat thepartytonight?你预计今晚的聚会会有很多人来吗?
[+ -ing verb]They anticipate havingseveralapplicantsfor thejob.他们预计会有几个人来应聘这份工作。
[+ that]They anticipatethatthey will have severalapplicantsfor thejob他们预计会有几个人来应聘这份工作。
[+ question word]At thisstagewe can't really anticipatewhat willhappen.在这个阶段我们真的无法预料会发生什么。
The anticipatedinflationfigureislowerthan last month's.预计中的通货膨胀数字低于上月。
- We'vetriedto anticipate the mostlikelyproblems, but it'simpossibleto bepreparedfor everyeventuality.
- We don't anticipate anysnagswith thenegotiations.
- Wethoughttheconcertin theparkwould bepopularbut we didn't anticipate so manypeopleturningup.
- Theholidaycosta lot more than we had anticipated.
- Policeare anticipatingtroubleat tonight'sgame.
Planning, expecting and arranging
- accidentally
- accidentally on purposeidiom
- advertent
- advisedly
- aim atsomething
- bargain
- I might have knownidiom
- insomeone'scrosshairsidiom
- in the pipelineidiom
- in the worksidiom
- intend
- planner
- provision
- purposely
- put the cart before the horseidiom
- puttheirheads togetheridiom
- rearrange
- reckon onsomething
- settle
- sleeve
anticipateverb[T](TAKE ACTION)
to takeactioninpreparationfor something that youthinkwillhappen:
采取行动来防止;先发制人It's alwaysbestto anticipate aproblembefore itarises.防患于未然永远都是最明智之举。
Thearmyanticipated(= tookactioninpreparationfor)theexplosionbyevacuatingthetown.这支军队预料会发生爆炸,已疏散了镇上居民。
Planning, expecting and arranging
- accidentally
- accidentally on purposeidiom
- advertent
- advisedly
- aim atsomething
- bargain
- I might have knownidiom
- insomeone'scrosshairsidiom
- in the pipelineidiom
- in the worksidiom
- intend
- planner
- provision
- purposely
- put the cart before the horseidiom
- puttheirheads togetheridiom
- rearrange
- reckon onsomething
- settle
- sleeve