to make something bycuttingintoespeciallywoodorstone, or tocutinto thesurfaceofstone,wood, etc.:
(尤指在石头或木头上)雕刻Thistotempoleis carvedfrom/out ofasingletreetrunk.这根图腾柱是由一整根树干雕刻而成的。
He carved hernameonatree.他将她的名字刻在了树上。
Some of thetunnelsin thecliffarenatural, some were carvedout(=cutinto therock)bysoldiersfordefensivepurposes.峭壁中的一些隧道是天然形成的,一些是士兵们在石头上开凿出来用于防御的。
to cut something
- cutOuch, I've cut my finger!
- chopHe was chopping vegetables to make a stew.
- sliceSlice the mushrooms and fry them in butter.
- snipShe snipped the corner off the soup packet.
- slitHe slit open the envelope with a knife.
- carveHe carved her name on a tree.
tocutthinpiecesfrom alargepieceofcookedmeat:
把(熟肉)切成小片Would you like me to carve (thechicken)?您要我(把鸡肉)切成小块吗?
to cut something
- cutOuch, I've cut my finger!
- chopHe was chopping vegetables to make a stew.
- sliceSlice the mushrooms and fry them in butter.
- snipShe snipped the corner off the soup packet.
- slitHe slit open the envelope with a knife.
- carveHe carved her name on a tree.
- There were threelargefigurescarved out of therock.
- He carved thewoodtoresembleasmallbird.
- Myfatheralways carved atSundaydinner.
- bas-relief
- bust
- carving
- cherub
- cupid
- death mask
- hew
- installation
- kore
- maquette
- mould
- mouldable
- sculpt
- sculptor
- sculptural
- sculpture
- sculptured
- sphinx
- torso
- waxwork
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cutting and stabbing
Preparing food
carved in stone
Phrasal verbs
carvesomethingout (foryourself)