medicalspecializeduk/ˌæn.ti.kəʊˈæɡ.jə.lənt/us/ˌæn.t̬i.koʊˈæɡ.jə.lənt/adrugor othersubstancethatpreventsorslowsdown theprocessofbloodformingaclot(= asolidmass):
Thepatientmayreceiveanticoagulants toreducebloodclotting.
Rattlesnakevenomcontainsan anticoagulant.
- I have beenprescribedan anticoagulant calledwarfarin.
- Leechsalivacontainsan anticoagulant thatpreventsbloodfromclotting.
- Patients on anticoagulants were atgreaterriskof an intercranialhaemorrhage.
Medicines & drugs
- acetaminophen
- anti-AIDS
- anti-asthma
- anti-cholesterol
- anti-clotting
- anti-depression
- calendula
- clozapine
- cod liver oil
- coke
- colchicine
- cortisol
- diuretic
- echinacea
- glycogen
- tamoxifen
- tea tree
- tea tree oil
- tramadol
- vasopressor
uk/ˌæn.ti.kəʊˈæɡ.jə.lənt/us/ˌæn.t̬i.koʊˈæɡ.jə.lənt/preventingorslowingdown theprocessofbloodformingaclot(= asolidmass), orrelatingto thisprocess:
Warfarinis an anticoagulantdrug.
Smoking cansignificantlyreducethe anticoagulanteffectofaspirin.
- Anticoagulantdrugs, alsoknownasbloodthinnermedications, arefrequentlyprescribedtoavoidtheformationofbloodclots.
- Inadditionto taking anticoagulantmedication, apatientwithdeepveinthrombosismay be told toelevatethelegwheneverpossible.
- Antihistamines maypartiallycounteractthe anticoagulantactionof heparinsodium.
Medicines & drugs
- acetaminophen
- anti-AIDS
- anti-asthma
- anti-cholesterol
- anti-clotting
- anti-depression
- calendula
- clozapine
- cod liver oil
- coke
- colchicine
- cortisol
- diuretic
- echinacea
- glycogen
- tamoxifen
- tea tree
- tea tree oil
- tramadol
- vasopressor