uk/ˈbeə.ɡrɑːs/us/ˈber.ɡræs/atallplant, withsmallwhiteflowersat thetopthatformanovalshape, thatgrowsin highareasof thenorthwesternUS:
Theparkisknownforitsivorybloomsof beargrass and thedeepturquoiseofitslakes.
Shepicksbeargrass, which is used forbasketsanddriedflowerdisplays.
- Assummergoes on,rhododendronflowersgive way to thecreamyfloralstalksof beargrass.
- Thievesharvestbeargrass withoutpermits, tosupplytheglobalmarket'sdemandsfor floral-arrangementgreenery.
- Antelope willeatbeargrass, but theydependgreatlyon low-growing,smallweedyplants.
- Shespentabouthalfhertimepolicingtheftofvariousplants,includingferns, beargrass,moss, andtimber.
Flowers & flowering plants
- anemone
- antirrhinum
- aster
- astilbe
- aubretia
- delphinium
- dog rose
- dogwood
- edelweiss
- elderflower
- locoweed
- lotus
- lupin
- mallow
- marigold
- sweet pea
- tulip
- unscented
- verbena
- viburnum