单词 | hold up |
释义 | hold up 1.support;raise举起;抬;拿 *My husband has lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to hold his thousers up.我丈夫体重减了好多,他只好用根带子把裤子提起来。 2.prove true;prove effective or accurate证明属实;证明准确、正确 *The police were doubtful at first,but that worker's story held up.警察起初怀疑,但那位工人的叙述证明情况属实。 *The weather forecasts don't always hold up.天气预报并不总是那么准确。 *The contract will hold up for ten years.这合同有效期10年。 3.remain good;not get worse保持不衰;不坏 *Sales held up well.销售情况不衰。 4. support;keep from falling承受住;不倒 *Don't worry.The house will hold up.别担心,房子不会倒下。 *The chair was too weak to hold you up.这椅子不牢,经受不住你的体重。 *How does he hold up under such a responsibility?他怎么能承受住这么大的责任? 5. keep up跟得上;不掉队 *Though it was a long walk,the youngsters held up until the last minute.虽然这是长途跋涉,但是孩子们一直跟到最后,没有掉队。 6. keep one's courage or spirit up;remain calm;keep control of oneself振作精神;稳定情绪;自己控制自己 *The grieving mother held up for her children's sake.这位伤心的母亲为了孩子们在控制自己的情绪。 7.stop for a short time;delay暂时停止;停顿;延续 *The policeman held up the traffic to allow pedestrians to cross the road.警察挡住车辆让行人过街。 *Work on the building site has been held up by bad weather.由于天气恶劣,建筑工地上的作业被延误了。 *We were held up for nearly an hour on our way by the traffic accident.我们在路上被交通事故耽搁近一个小时。 *The steel strike may hold up production for several months,钢铁工人的罢工会使生产停顿数月之久。 8. rob抢劫 *The criminals held up the plane and took all the passengers'money.这些歹徒劫持了飞机,并将乘客的钱财洗劫一空。 *That bank has been held up threetimes.那家银行被抢了3次。 9. show…as an example提出(作为榜样) *He was held up to the students as a model of emulation.他被提出来作为学生的楷模。 *Our English teacher held up excellent models of composition for her class to imitate.我们的英语老师在班上展出了优秀作文让同学们模仿。 10.last;maintain in a state持续;维持;坚持;挺住 *I think the car will just about hold up till we reach London.我认为这辆车能差不多正好让我们开到伦敦。 *Mr.Black holds up very well, in spite of all the trouble and illness he's had.布莱克先生尽管遇到了 许多麻烦而且又生病,但是他挺 住了,过得不错。 *Smith's bank could hardly hold up in the depression史密斯的银行在 经济箫条期间很难坚持下去。 /// /// |
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