uk/ˈbruː.di.nəs/us/ˈbruː.di.nəs/broodinessnoun[U](OF PERSON)
thefeelingofwantingto have ababyor achild:
(想要有孩子的)抱窝性It alwaysbringson anattackof broodiness when Iseemysisterand herchildren.每当我看到我的姐姐和她的孩子时,总是会有抱窝性来袭。
Broodiness is notconfinedto women.抱窝性并不局限于女性。
- While I don'thatebabies, I haveabsolutelynoounceof broodiness in me.
- As for thefuture, Lisa makes nosecretof her broodiness.
- Women and menhopingtodampdowntheirpartners' broodiness maypointto theexampleof later-lifepregnancies.
Obstetrics: pregnancy
- antenatally
- baby brain
- carry
- child
- expected
- family
- miscarriage
- morning sickness
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- pro-life
- pudding
- reconceive
- right to life
- stretch marks
- surrogate
- test-tube baby
- trimester
- trouble
- unborn
broodinessnoun[U](OF HEN)
thequalityin ahenof beingreadytoproduceeggsandsiton them:
(母鸡)抱窝性Thesedocilehensexhibitbroodiness - atendencytowardhatchingeggs.这些温顺的母鸡表现出抱窝性——有孵化鸡蛋的倾向。
- Tostimulatebroodiness, anownermayplacemanyartificialeggsin thenest.
- Based on myquickresearch, broodiness is notdesirablein alayingflockfor severalreasons.
- Ireadthat broodiness can becurbedbyloweringthebodytemperatureof the hen'sunderside.
Animal reproduction
- androgen
- anti-oestrogen
- asexuality
- asexually
- barrenness
- calf
- embryology
- fertility
- fertilize
- fetal
- infertile
- procreative
- propagation
- rebreed
- remate
- repopulate
- reproductive
- semen
- spawning ground
- sterility
broodinessnoun[U](OF MOOD)
aqualityof alwaysthinkingabout things that make youunhappy:
闷闷不乐,郁郁寡欢Thefilmisfaithfulto thedarkteenagebroodiness of theoriginalbook.这部电影忠实地再现了原著中黑暗青少年时期的郁郁寡欢。
- Girls areattractedto hismysteryand broodiness.
- Once you havelearntthehabitsofsuspicionanddistrust, that broodiness islikelytoremain.
- He had acharacteristicbroodiness andheavybrow.
Feeling sad and unhappy
- a dog's lifeidiom
- angsty
- be cut upidiom
- be down in the mouthidiom
- be in a funkidiom
- be in bitsidiom
- distressed
- dog
- doleful
- dolefully
- lovelorn
- lovesick
- low-spirited
- lugubrious
- lugubriously
- wistfully
- woe
- woe is meidiom
- woebegone
- woeful