abrushwith alonghandleandbristles(=short,stiffhairsorpiecesofplastic), used forcleaningtheflooror theground:
On his firstdayatworkhe was given a broom and told tosweepthefloor.

Issaurinko/iStock / Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
abrushwith alonghandlemade of awoodenstickandlongpartsforsweepingmade oftwigs(=small,thintreebranches), which is oftenconnectedwithwitches(=people,especiallywomen,believedto havemagicalpowers)instories:
Thewitchcackledandflewaway on her broom.
atoolfor making theicesmoothin thesportofcurling:
Theteamcaptaintellsteammatestosweeptheiceinfrontof themovingstonewiththeirbrooms.
You canrentcurlingequipmentat $6perhourfor astoneand broom.
See also
new broom
- Astiffgardenbroom shouldclearmost of thedebris.
- Thepondwasdrainedso that thestaffcouldsweepout thebottomwith brooms.
- Thewitcheswere said toarriveat themeetingplaceontheirbrooms.
Equipment used for cleaning
- bath towel
- besom
- broomstick
- carpet sweeper
- chamois
- garbage stick
- HEPA filter
- Hoover
- household goods
- J-cloth
- paper towel
- pressure washer
- rag
- scrubbing brush
- squeegee
- towelette
- vacuum cleaner
- waste picker
- wet wipe
- wire brush
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Winter sports
金雀花Themountainsarecoveredin ascrubof broom andmyrtle.
This broomgrowsup to 15feettallandformsimpenetrablethickets.
See also
Scotch broom

Federica Grassi/Moment/GettyImages
Bushes & shrubs
- aronia
- bramble
- briar
- brier
- buffalo berry
- gorse
- guaraná
- heather
- hedging
- hibiscus
- privet
- redcurrant
- rhododendron
- rosella
- saskatoon
- undergrowth
- viburnum
- wahoo
- wayfaring tree
- whin
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Flowers & flowering plants