asystemin whichbanksorbusinessesencouragepeopletobuysomething by giving themmoneyafter they haveboughtit:
现金返还,返现(银行或商家实行的消费激励措施)Themajorbanksareofferingcashbackdealsof up to £5,000 ontheirmortgages.各大银行对按揭交易提供多达5000英镑的返现服务。
Payment methods
- anti-kickback
- ATM card
- automatic withdrawal
- bad cheque
- baksheesh
- chip
- commission
- legal tender
- liquefy
- liquid
- loyalty card
- monometallic
- non-cash
- non-monetary
- non-money
- non-paying
- payoff
- per calendar month
- whip-round
anamountofmoneythat ashop, usually asupermarket,allowsyou to take fromyourbankaccountwhen youpayfor something with abankcard:
(通常指顾客在超市用银行卡购物时顺便提取的)小额现金£50 cashback购物时提取的50英镑现金
Withdrawing money
- atm
- automated teller machine
- automatic teller machine
- cash machine
- cashpoint
- clear
- clearance
- debit
- dip intosomething
- draw
- drawsomethingdown
- drawdown
- drawn
- hole in the wall
- lay
- overdraw
- overdrawn
- takesomethingout
- withdraw
- withdrawal