(alsoantifur)uk/ˌæn.tiˈfɜːr/us/ˌæn.t̬iˈfɝː//ˌæn.taɪˈfɝː/opposedto the use ofanimalfurinclothing:
She is very anti-fur.
- Anti-furfeelingwasextremelystrong.
- Anti-furdemonstratorstargetedtopfashionshopsin London.
- Furwearersriskedbeingtargetedby anti-furactivists.
- Theinfluenceof the anti-furlobbywaswaning.
- Anti-furprotestersattemptedtosabotagethe show.
- They havecontinuedtoadoptan anti-furstance.
- Afterpressurefrom anti-furprotesters, thedesignerdroppedminkandfoxfrom hiscollection.
- Anti-furactivistsreleasedfur-farmedcreaturesinto thecountryside.
- the antifurmovement
Clothing - general words
- all-in-one
- apparel
- argyle
- attire
- bespoke tailor
- cast-offs
- finery
- fitter
- garb
- garment
- get up
- glad rags
- haberdasher
- mothball
- mourning
- sensible
- separates
- shapewear
- shorty
- street clothes
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Style & appearance of clothes