adjective[before noun]
(alsoantihunger)uk/ˌæn.tiˈhʌŋ.ɡər/us/ˌæn.t̬iˈhʌŋ.ɡɚ//ˌæn.taɪˈhʌŋ.ɡɚ/intendedtopreventorreducehunger, orinvolvedinworktopreventorreducehunger:
He was an earlycampaignerfor theintroductionof anti-hungerprogrammes.
She is an antihungeradvocate.
- Thedirectorof the anti-hungerprojectwarnedthat morepeopleweresufferingfromhungerthan in thepreviousrecession.
- Budgetcutswereexpectedtoaffectanti-hungerinitiatives.
- Thereportconcludedthatboostinganti-hungerspendingwould becost-effective.
- Anti-hungergroupsbeganamassivelobbyingeffort.
- Anti-hungeradvocatessay that for somechildrenschoolbreakfastandschoollunchare the onlymealsof theday.
Hungry & thirsty
- (I'm so hungry), I could eat a horseidiom
- appetite
- be gaspingidiom
- cannibalism
- eat
- eat like a horseidiom
- gasp
- hunger
- hunger striker
- hungrily
- hungry
- parched
- smackyourlipsidiom
- starvation
- starved
- thirst
- thirstily
- thirsty
- underfed
- undernourished