blood cell
biologyspecializeduk/ˈblʌd ˌsel/us/ˈblʌd ˌsel/one of thetypesofcellthat arefoundinblood:
血球,血细胞Under themicroscope,bloodcellsarerecognizablebytheirdifferentsizes,shapes, andstructures.在显微镜下,血细胞的大小、形状和结构不同,可以辨认出来。
See also
red blood cell
white blood cell

CHIARI_VFX/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- It is akindofstemcellthat'scapableofformingvariouskindsofbloodcells.
- Infectedbloodcellscanclumptogether andstickto the body'sbloodvessels,blockingbloodflowto thebrain.
- Pregnant womenrequireat least 27 mg ofirondaily- a third more thanusual- tosupplybaby'sbloodcells.
- TheAIDSvirusmakescopiesof itself after itinvadesahumanbloodcell.
- anaphase
- anti-platelet
- assort
- biotech
- bipolar
- erythrocyte
- germ cell
- haemoglobin
- homologous chromosomes
- infiltration
- intercellular
- intermitotic
- internuclear
- meiosis
- mitosis
- protoplasmic
- ribosomal
- ribosome
- sensory neuron
- sickle cell
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The circulatory system & blood