Sealsprobablygrouptogetherprimarilyas an antipredatorstrategy.
Avoidance is the mostcommonanti-predatorbehaviour.
- Camouflage is acommonformof antipredatordefence.
- Toads have anumberof anti-predatortactics, one of which is toinflatethelungsand make themappearlargerthan they are.
- Animalslivingnearhumansbecometolerantof them and mayreduceantipredatorresponses.
General & informal words for animals
- arthropod
- beast
- beastie
- bossy
- brute
- creepy-crawly
- feathered
- feathered friendidiom
- four-legged friend
- fur baby
- furry
- furry friend
- invertebrate
- myriapod
- pest
- pet
- predator
- prey
- service animal
- stray