uk/ˈsen.sər/us/ˈsen.sɚ/apersonresponsibleforexaminingbooks,films,worksofart, orcommunications, anddecidingwhether topreventpartsor thewholeof them from beingseenor madeavailableto thepublicbecause they areconsideredto beoffensiveorharmful, or because theycontaininformationthat someonewishestokeepsecret, often forpoliticalreasons:
Military censorspreventedthepublicationof somedetails.
acomputertoolused tohidepartsof atext,image,recordingorcommunication, or topreventit from beingshared:
thepartof a person’smindthatstopsthem from doing or saying things that theywantto do or say, if those things would beunsuitable:
The show wasaccusedofexploitinginsecurepeoplewholackaninternalcensor.
- Game censorsrefusedto give the newvideogameaclassification.
- Early in hiscareerthedirectorfellfoulofgovernmentcensors.
- I canimaginethat what he said willcauseoutragebut we do notwanttoactas censors.
- Censorsincludeautomaticfiltersthatblockpostscontainingsensitivekeywords.
- Religion sometimesplaystheroleof censor to the urgings ofoursubconscious.
People who analyse and judge
- adjudicator
- arbiter
- basher
- class warrior
- co-investigator
- criticaster
- empiricist
- examiner
- external examiner
- gadfly
- judge
- jury
- monitor
- panel
- panellist
- rating agency
- reviewer
- star chamber
- wowser
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer programming & software
Mind and personality
uk/ˈsen.sər/us/ˈsen.sɚ/topreventpartor thewholeof abook,film,workofart,document, or otherkindofcommunicationfrom beingseenor madeavailableto thepublic, because it isconsideredto beoffensiveorharmful, or because itcontainsinformationthat someonewishestokeepsecret, often forpoliticalreasons:
Thebookwasheavilycensored when firstpublished.这本书首次出版时经过了严格的审查。
Is itpossibleto censor theinternet?
censor yourself
tostopyourself from doing or saying things that youwantto do or say, but that youknowwould beunsuitable:
She isbrutallyfrank, and doesn't censor herself in any way.
I don't censor myself and ifpeopledon't like what I write, well, they canstopreadingit.
I don't like having to censor myself. It makes for verydullwriting.
Hisperceivedreluctanceto censor himself mayyetturnout to be hisgreatstrength.
Herviewsprovedto be verycontroversialand, intime, shelearnedto censor herself.
- Theeditorscensored mycommentsthat werecriticalof thepress.
- Heobjectedto thelistofwebsitesbeing censored.
- Officialsdenythey are censoring thenewsmedia.
- Ifoffensivelanguageis used, thepostmay beremovedor censored.
- Hebelievesrapshould be a way toexpressyourself without having to censor yourself.
Forbidding and banning things
- abolish
- abolition
- abolitionist
- anti-censorship
- ban
- debar
- decertification
- decertify
- deny
- disallow
- disqualification
- off-limits
- out of boundsidiom
- outlaw
- prohibit
- prohibition
- unauthorized
- unkosher
- verboten
- veto
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Avoiding action