It canfireanti-shipmissilesfromitstorpedotubes.
These areanti-aircraftand anti-shipweaponsdesignedtokeepenemyforcesfromgainingaccess.
- The newsubmarinemostlikelywillcarrysomecombinationof anti-shipcruisemissilesandseamines.
- Theshipscan also be used forlayingantishipmines.
- Thecompanywonacontractwith the Navy toproducean anti-shipmissilesystem.
- Ouradversarieshavegrowinganti-shipcapabilities.
Bombs & missiles
- anti-mine
- anti-missile
- anti-radar
- anti-satellite
- anti-submarine
- enrichment
- Exocet
- firebomb
- frag bomb
- fragmentation bomb
- mortar
- mushroom cloud
- napalm
- neutron bomb
- non-conventional
- suicide belt
- suicide vest
- superbomb
- surface-to-air missile
- test ban treaty