(alsoantisleep)uk/ˌæn.tiˈsliːp/us/ˌæn.taɪˈsliːp/designedtopreventsomeone fromsleeping:
They havedevelopedan anti-sleepalarmtowarndriversagainstfatigueanddrowsiness.
The anti-sleepdrugisdesignedfor narcoleptics, that is,peoplewhofallasleepatrandomtimeswith nowarning.
- Here's anothergreatanti-sleepdevicewhich shouldappealtolast-minuteexamcrammers.
- Thedevelopmentof the anti-sleepdevicefordriverscould bekeytopreventingroadtrafficaccidents.
- Thetroopswere the first totryout anexperimentalanti-sleepdrug.
Animal physiology: not sleeping & not unconscious
- astir
- be in the land of the livingidiom
- come round
- consciousness
- get up
- insomniac
- keepsomeoneup
- knock
- knock up
- land
- morning person
- not sleep a winkidiom
- sit(someone)up
- stir
- toss
- wait up
- wakeful
- waken
- waking
- woke