Most anti-spendinggroupshavecondemnedthepolicyaswasteful.
The party's anti-spendingphilosophyhas come understrongcriticism.
- The newmanifestocombinesantispendinginitiativesandtighterrestrictionsongovernmentbenefits.
- In somestates, anti-tax, anti-spending, and anti-governmentsentimentsareconverging.
- Hecommunicatesastrongantispendingmessagethatappealsto the party'sbase.
- His onemajordeviationfrom his anti-spendingpatternwas the 2008farmbill, whichhandsout hundreds ofbillionsofdollarsinsubsidiestofarmers.
Politics - general words
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- anti-communism
- anti-communist
- anti-fascism
- laissez-faire
- left
- left of centre
- leftist
- leftward
- parliament
- party politics
- personality cult
- pinko
- plank
- super-conservative
- Thatcherism
- the Third Way
- Tory
- Toryism